

第1个回答  2012-06-02
A few days ago, I went to the countryside's sister's home. Just to the country, the heavy rain is pouring to, the mountains and plains are washing clean, the rush toward to the waves of faint scent.
About five o 'clock in the afternoon, I was walking in a field ridge, to see this "paradise". Looking out to the distance, several row house in the mountains around, is having a unique style. Whereas in the chimney smoke rising slowly, then disappeared in the sky. Close a few group of cattle and sheep, they are in the shepherd after making waves "moo," said-tauren male-" moo, baa baa- -" the voice, it is these of sounds one song special "shepherd song". After the rain of the sunshine in the road, appears to be quiet. In the small river, a few women in the hack clothes, although they all busy each, but also do not forget about GuChangLiDuan. In the green shade, a few old people, let while holding the pipe, side play mahjong or down in go.
Down not only honest people, and they live in houses is also very special. Country people live in are two or three layers of the house layer, not a few houses will be together. In each house behind, there is a piece of belong to own the ground, some people will kind of some pumpkins · towel gourd · plant like green vegetables, and some people will have some chicken · duck and poultry.
They have a meal of the way is very special. If you go out for a walk in the summer evening, he must have seen the country the somebody else eat dinner. They put the food moved to ease eat up front, so comfortable, so harmonious.
How charming landscape is down, how harmony, peace!
第2个回答  2012-05-25