I was drafted into the ...谁能帮我分析一下这个句子?

I was drafted into the Army at the end of my junior year and,after four years in the service,had no inclination to return to finish college.这个句子中为什么and 后面要加逗号,为什么不加在其前面呢?第二个逗号后的had是个动词,I后也是有动词was,这样不是一个句子有两个动词了吗?谁能帮我解释一下

第1个回答  2013-10-14
after four years in the service这个短语是补充说明的,所以前后用逗号隔开
and是连接was drafted into the Army 和had no inclination to return 这两个动词短语,一起做谓语动词
第2个回答  2013-10-14
“after four years in the service”是个插入语,如果把它放到句子最后相信你会看的更清楚,而这个句子是个并列句:I was drafted into …… and had no inclination ……
第3个回答  2013-10-14
第一个and后面是一个插入语,可以先抛开不看,与后面的句子就接上了,而这个and链接的是两个并列的句子,所以都有自己的动词,但第二个句子的主语I就省略了,事实上是:I was drafted into the Army at the end of my junior year.I had no inclination to return to finish college.