

第1个回答  推荐于2016-06-06
十二生肖符咒鼠(Rat Talisman)—生命赋予(The power to re-animate)牛(Ox Talisman)—强力/超强力道(The power of strength)虎(Tiger Talisman)—力量平衡(The power of yin-yang opposites)兔(Rabbit Talisman)—迅速(The power of speed)龙(Dragon Talisman)—爆破龙(The power of combustion)蛇(Snake Talisman)—隐身(The power of invisibility)马(Horse Talisman)—治愈(The power of healing)羊(Sheep Talisman)—灵魂投影(The power of astral projection)猴(Monkey Talisman)—变身(The power to shape shift)鸡(Rooster Talisman)—漂浮力(The power of levitation)狗(Dog Talisman)—青春活力(The power of immortality)猪(Pig Talisman)—火眼/灼热目光(The power of heat beam eyes)

山之恶魔波刚(Po Kong) 风之恶魔啸风(Xiao Fung)   雷电恶魔中苏(Tchang Zu)  月之恶魔咒蓝(Tso Lan)   地之恶魔地魁(Dai Gui)   天空恶魔西木(Hsi Mu)  水之恶魔巴莎(Bai Tza)   火之恶魔圣主(Shendu)本回答被网友采纳