
第1个回答  2022-10-08
楼上果位,你系米读书读到kai左- -? 如果跟你讲法,xxx
I would not have been killed姐系话 I(我)已经死左啦,甘(我)仲点讲野呀? 正确的conditional sentences(if嘅句子永远只有呢4种) 1. If(present)
(present) 讲嘅系fact(事实) 2.If(past)
(would/could/might + inf.)讲嘅野系白日梦(present situation) 3.If(present)
(will+inf.)讲嘅野系possible,但未必100%得 4.If(had+p.p. 姐past perfect tense)
(would have+p.p. 姐present perfect)讲嘅系马后炮(past situation) 你讲紧嘅系第4种,所以可以变成: If i had drunk that toxic beverage
I would have been killed. 希望帮到你^^ 2009-12-24 14:34:49 补充: 大大,就算你5选我都5好选楼上果位,佢完全教错晒= =
参考: me
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系米打错?因为不太logic .应该i would have not been killed. 如果系i would have not been killed .(如果乜乜,我就唔会死啦) if i had been careful
i would have not been killed. if i had not gone outside overnight
i would have not been killed. if i had not met the bad guy
i would have not been killed. 如果系i would have been killed .(如果乜乜我就可以死到啦) if i had burnt more charcoal
i would have been killed. if i had taken more drugs
i would have been killed 2009-12-24 13:39:37 补充: 改正(因为charcoal and drug cannot kill people) 如果系i would have been killed .(如果乜乜我就可以死到啦) if i had been careless
i would have been killed. if i had met the killer
i would have been killed
参考: me
• If you want to talk about conditional situations in the past
use had (’d) in the conditional clause
and would have in the main clause.
If I had not missed the bus that later on crashed into a tree
I would have been killed. 2009-12-24 14:48:50 补充: "If I had.......
I would have ...." is a typical "past" conditional
which is used to express a hypothetical result to a past given situation. It is formed by the use of the past perfect in the if clause followed by a ma
and a would have past particple in the result clause. 2009-12-24 15:06:07 补充: 回应004: If I had not missed the bus that later on crashed into a tree
I would have been killed. 中文: 如果我唔系搭唔到后来撞树𠮶架巴土,我就会死咗啦。 唔觉呢句有セ logic 问题㖞!
参考: myself
If I were a star
I would climb upstairs afar. If I were the moon
I would shadow the bright lagoon. If I were the sun
I would give my light in a bunch. If I were the universe
I would urge my son to wash my earth!!
If I am terriost If I am a wanted
参考: me