

第1个回答  2023-08-22


The sun will shine on us again. - 阳光将再次照耀我们。The stars are like dreams in the night sky. - 星星就像夜空中的梦想。Every moment is a fresh beginning.” - 每一刻都是一个崭新的开始。Love is the heartbeat of the soul.” - 爱是灵魂的跳动。Let your dreams be your wings. - 让你的梦想成为你的翅膀。

Bloom where you are planted. - 在你生长的地方开花。In the depths of winter, I found an invincible summer. - 在寒冬的深处,我找到了不可战胜的夏日。Follow the path that your heart illuminates. - 跟随你的心所照亮的道路。Life is a delicate dance of joy and sorrow.” - 生活是喜悦和悲伤的细腻舞蹈。

Bloom where you are planted, for within every circumstance and environment, there lies the potential for growth, blossoming into the best version of yourself. - 在你生长的地方开花,因为在每一个情况和环境中,都存在着成长的潜力,绽放成最好的自己。短句捕捉到了美的本质、梦想、坚韧和积极思维的力量。


Love is the heartbeat of the soul, a powerful force that connects us with others, bringing joy, compassion, and a sense of belonging deep within us. - 爱是灵魂的跳动,一种强大的力量将我们与他人连接在一起,在我们心中带来喜悦、同情和归属感。

Let your dreams be your wings, propelling you forward and giving you the courage to soar above any obstacles, as you chase after your passions and aspirations. - 让你的梦想成为你的翅膀,推动你向前,给予你勇气,超越任何障碍,追逐你的激情和抱负。
