

第1个回答  2013-07-22
If Gray's first human anatomy solved the mystery of human structure, laid the foundation of modern medicine, but also to human beings a great deal of confusion. Nu Wa made man, the God will give to our eyes. There One day people use it for the first time in the water pleasantly surprised to see his own reflection, then people see themselves through the mirror, until now, people passed the gene of this particular mirror, to form a new look at ourselves, this look at the world . We are pleased to see that the use of broad prospects for genetic research. With the use of transgenic technology, daffodils rice genes have been implanted so that the iron content increased significantly; as people's understanding of gene cloning technology should be shipped born; first cloned sheep Dolly living people standing before; With the development of cloning technology, human organs can be cloned, is expected to take over with a new organ has been so old and damaged organs ....... all human beings seem to be as a second God, or Goddess of the second. Some say that God always answers in one hand, one hand and a question mark. Cloning is the English transliteration of the word clone, clone derived from the Greek klon The intention is that small seedlings or shoots to asexual reproduction or vegetative propagation means cultivating plants, over time, cloning has expanded the content, as long as the cells obtained from a more than 2 cells, cell populations or organisms by a pro-sequence generated by the sequence of DNA that is cloned. Clone as a double-edged sword. When the spring time, like to get people who will do grass cutting plant; a look like apples and pears taste like fruit - pear, is the use of fruit grafting culture from cuttings and grafting are essentially clones. is also a benefit to humanity. Cloning of human organs for medical development to a large extent, but is suffering from cancer or disability a gospel people. Cloning and generational relations between parents, as fathers of the human cloning, sub-generation, or the same seniority in the family or other, which we usually followed by old and young took part in starting the conflict, will be confusion all social relationships. human cloning is no kind of disrespect for human performance. human cloning, not just pieces of copy. If people are free to clone, that is, each person has countless lives. then revisit the value of life has no meaning. Does this also mean that life can be arbitrarily trampled on, and personality to any damage which in turn are usually emphasized in our respect for human life. life once they begin to talk about a person, if even on their own life autonomy are not, then what is the meaning of his survival of human cloning will benefit a mere careerist and lawless elements. We can not take into account the possibility of human cloning will lead soon as the war. careerist use human cloning to conquer the world, it seems science fiction can be seen. but in real life is not altogether unlikely. take advantage of human cloning committed crimes, crimes against personal safety even imagine. We should rationally look at cloning, it becomes beneficial to science and technology on human rather than the demise of human arms.如果说格雷的第一张人体解剖图解开了人体结构之迷,奠定了近代医学的基础,但同时也给人类带来很大的困惑.
克隆人是对人的不种不尊重表现.克隆人,就不只是件复制品.倘若人可以随意克隆,那就是就每个人都拥有无数次生命.此时再讲生命的价值已毫无意义了.这是否也意味着生命可以任意践踏,人格可以任意伤害 这又与我们平时所强调的尊重每个人的生命.生命只有一次又从何谈起 一个人,如果连对自已生命的自主权都没有,那他的生存意义何在