跪求一个关于hometown的2人英文对话 (30 句


第1个回答  2013-07-26
J:can I asK you some question?
J:where are you living?
L:I live in shangdong,what about you ?
J:Oh,I live in shenyang.
L:Oh I know.By the way ,how do you think about your hometown ?
J:Oh,very good.What about you?
L:wonderful.The air is very clean and the water is very clean ,too.
J:OK.What about the people in your hometown?
L:Just so-so.
J:Oh ,the people in my hometown is very friendly.they often help each other.
L:That sounds good.
L:Can you help your neighborhood do something?
L:Oh,how wonderful!
L:By the way ,are you very love your hometown?
J:Certainly!What about you ?
L :So am I.
L:But my neighbourhood is not very friendly.
J:What is the wrong?
L:They often say many words with each other.
J:Oh,I sorry to hear that.
L:Do you have anything else?
L:Then,it is time to say good-bye.
J:Oh,thank you very much.
L:No thanks.Bye.
第2个回答  2013-07-26
Hi Tom
Hi john
where to go ?
do some shopping
so do I
where are you are you from TOM?
oh I am fro shenyang .why did you ask about that ?
en ,I am just curious about that .
and what about you ?where is your home town?
do not tell me we came from the same place .
yeah ,you are right .
oh ,what a coincidence .
en ,sometimes we may meet each other in the crowd world
that's it .
and did you return it this new year ?
no ,how about it ?
i returned this new year ,and it's a great change .
really ?i guess i'd back to have a look
you'd better go .
okay ,let's go shopping .
第3个回答  2013-07-26
A:How are you doing ?
B:fine, and you?
A:Great,thank you.
B:where have you been these days?I haven't seen you.
A:I went back to my hometown.
B:oh,I see. But where is your hometown?
A:Shen Yang.
B:oh. I konw it is a beautiful city, isn't it?
A:yes ,I think so. It's a industrial city and also full of vitality.
B:I wish I could visit it some day.
A: I'll be there to welcome you then.
B: Thanx.