
在彩云之南,在遥远的云岭深处,有一个美丽神奇的地方——丽江。这里民风淳朴Local honest here,雄奇俊美的自然景观让你流连忘返,独特奇异的民族风情,使你目不暇接,心醉神迷。明媚的阳光,美丽的白云,圣洁的雪山,梦幻般的碧湖,处处充满了诗情画意……
泸沽湖位于丽江宁蒗彝族自治县永宁乡的崇山峻岭中,海拔2685米,湖水面积52平方公里,平均水深45米,湖水澄碧,能见度达12米。更为神奇的是湖水随天空色彩变化而出现或金红、或蔚蓝、或灰白的变化,神秘莫测。 泸沽湖畔居住着纳西族的分支---摩梭人,至今仍保留着“男不娶,女不嫁”暮合而朝离的“阿夏”走婚制,世称“女儿国”和“母系社会的活化石”。

第一天:出发地 - 丽江(不含餐)
第二天:丽江 - 泸沽湖(含早中晚餐)
第三天:泸沽湖 - 丽江(含早中餐)
第四天:丽江 - 玉龙雪山(含早中餐)
综合报价:1000元/人 (散客并团)
预订热线: 24小时电话
☆景点介绍:丽江古城 玉龙雪山 泸沽湖

第1个回答  2008-04-21
Line Description
In Caiyunzhina, in the depths of remote Yunling, there is a beautiful magical place - Lijiang. Local honest here Local honest here, Xiongqi Jun natural landscape you do not wish to leave and forget the back, singular unique ethnic customs, you scattered, Xinzuishenmi. Bright, beautiful white clouds, the holy snow-capped mountains, dream-like Bik Woo, is full of poetic……
Lugu Lake in Ninglang Yi Autonomous County of Lijiang Yongning Township in the mountains, elevation 2,685 meters, the lake area of 52 square kilometers, with an average depth of 45 meters, the lake Chengbi, visibility of 12 meters. More amazing is that the lake with the color changes in the sky or the red, or blue or gray changes, mysterious and unpredictable. Lugu Lake living in the banks of a branch of the Naxi - Mosuo people still retain the "non-married men and women do not marry" in the morning and from a "Axia" take marriage system, the world said the "daughter" and " matriarchal society living fossil. "

Day 1: Departures - Lijiang (self-catering)
Lijiang to aircraft (or cars), the hotel where he was staying. Living in Lijiang
Day 2: Lijiang - Lugu Lake (including breakfast lunch and dinner)
After breakfast, travel to her country Lugu Lake (203 km), along the Jinsha River Now, small Liangshan scenery, panoramic viewing booths aerial Lugu Lake, national scenic areas by Zhucaochuan Tour - Lugu Lake, sentiment Mosuo people 3 never (Lake boat on boat people, the people singing), the appreciation of the rare plants plateau wave Hai Ye cauliflower, and the Treasury than in the Tour Island, Lamamiao, overlooking Gamla Goddess Hill, at their own expense appreciate Mosuo evening campfire. Mosuo residential living
Day 3: Lugu Lake - Lijiang (including breakfast lunch)
After breakfast matriarchal clan Mosuo people home visits, visits Mosuo Folk Museum (Experience walk marriage customs), the car returned to Lijiang. Living in Lijiang
Day Four: Lijiang - Yulong Snow Mountain (including breakfast lunch)
Yulong Snow Mountain line: Take the tramway Tour Maoniuping Yulong 13 peak of Hanhai, Baishui River, the group scattered around 15:00 pm, the end of the landscape happy trip!
Comprehensive Price: 1,000 yuan / person (3,200 and Mission)
The actual price, whichever is to call! 5 or more, there will be concessions!
Booking Hotline: 24-hour telephone
Price includes: 2 nights hotel, one night residential Lugu Lake, as early as 4 dinner 3 (standard meal for the team dinner, table 10 people, eight soup), the first in the Road tickets for attractions; area air-conditioned coaches , excellent guide services, travel agencies liability insurance.
Price excluding: itinerary of other attractions, taxis, tourist personal accident injury insurance, hotel 300-400, laundry fees, personal expenses.
The Mission: Jieqiu every day! Please inform in advance the mode and time, I arranged to receive!
Service Standards: Individual and group.
Special Mention:
☆ destinations: Old Town of Lijiang Yulong Snow Mountain Lugu Lake
第2个回答  2008-04-22
第3个回答  2008-04-23
Line description
In the pink clouds south, in the remote Yunling deep place, has a beautiful mysterious place - - Lijiang. Here common social practice simple and honorable Local honest here, the male wonderful delicate and pretty natural landscape lets you forget to return, the unique strange national character and style, causes you to be eyes cannot take it all, ecstasy. The beautiful sunlight, the beautiful white clouds, the holy snowy mountain, the illusion blue lake, has everywhere filled richly in poetic and artistic flavor.
Luguhu located in the Lijiang Ninglang Yi Nationality Autonomous County Yongning Town's high mountain ridge, the elevation 2685 meters, the lake water area 52 square kilometers, the hydraulic mean depth 45 meters, the lake water is clear blue, the visibility amounts to 12 meters. What is more mysterious is the lake water presents either yellowish red, or deep blue, or the grayish white change along with the sky color change, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. The Luguhu bank is occupying Naxi nationality's branch---Touches the shuttle person, until now still retained “male is not marrying, the female does not marry” the evening to gather, but faces leaves “the Arab League summer” to walk the marriage system, the world calls “the daughter country” and “matriarchal society's living fossil”.

Traveling schedule arrangement
The first day: Birthland - Lijiang (does not contain meal)
Lijiang meets the airplane (or automobile), stays at the hotel. Lives in Lijiang.
The second day: Lijiang - Luguhu (including early supper)
After the breakfast, rides in a carriage goes to daughter country Luguhu (203km), watches Yangtze River, the Mt. Xiaoliang scenery along the way, looks at the scenery the pavilion to look down the Luguhu panoram, while pig junk boat tour state-level scenic spot--Luguhu, the feeling becomes aware the Moroccan shuttle person three certainly (in lake on boat, boat singing sound of person, of the person), appreciates the plateau unusual plant wave leaf sea cauliflower, in the tour serves compares the island, the lamasery, looks out into the distance the standard goddess mountain, pays own expenses to appreciate the Moroccan shuttle bonfire party. Lives in the Moroccan shuttle common people residence.
The third day: Luguhu - Lijiang (including early Chinese meal)
After the breakfast, the matriarchal clan Morocco shuttle others family visit, the senate observes and emulates the shuttle folk custom museum (to experience marriage custom), riding returns to Lijiang. Lives in Lijiang.
The fourth day: Lijiang - Yulong snowy mountain (including early Chinese meal)
Yulong snowy mountain: Tours the Yulong 13 peaks, the Gansu lakes, the clear water river while the yak level ground rope way, in the afternoon about 15:00 disperses the group, finished travel of the happy scenery!
Synthesis quoted price: 1000 Yuan/people (individual traveler and group)
The actual price, take the telephone inquiry as a standard! above 5 people, will have the preferential benefit!
Reservation hot line: 24 hour telephone
The quoted price includes: Two star-level hotels 2 late, Luguhu common people residence 1 evening, 3 4 full meals (full meal for team standard meal, ten artificial table, eight vegetable soup), arranges in order the scenery to nod early the admission ticket expense; Between the scenic area the air conditioning tourist car, the outstanding tour guide serves, the travel agency liability insurance.
The quoted price does not contain: Outside the traveling schedule other scenic spots, the rental car, the traveling person accident injury danger, the hotel long-distance telephone, wash clothes spend, individual expenses. sends the group time: Meets the group daily! Please ahead of time inform the arrival way and the time, so that my society arrangement reception!
Service standard: Individual traveler and group.
Special recommendation:
☆Scenic spot introduction: Old Town of Lijiang Yulong Snow Mountain Lugu Lake本回答被提问者采纳