it is和since的用法区别是什么?


第1个回答  2023-08-16

首先我们来看下it is、since和before的大致意思:

it is:词性为短语,it is是由it和is组成的短语,it代表无生命的物体或不明确的主语,is是be动词的第三人称单数形式。



通过下面的表格我们了解下it is、since和before的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下it is、since和before的用法区别:

1.含义:it is since强调从过去到现在的时间段,而it is before则强调在某个时间点之前


- It is three years since I graduated from university.

(It is three years since I graduated from university.)

- He left the house five minutes before I arrived.

(He left the house five minutes before I arrived.)

2.用法:it is since用于表示从过去到现在的时间段,而it is before用于表示某个时间点之前的动作


- It is two weeks since I last saw him.

(It is two weeks since I last saw him.)

- We should arrive at the airport two hours before the flight.

(We should arrive at the airport two hours before the flight.)

3.位置:it is since位于句子的开头,而it is before位于句子的中间或结尾


- Since I moved to this city, I have made many new friends.

(Since I moved to this city, I have made many new friends.)

- I should finish the report before the deadline.

(I should finish the report before the deadline.)

4.时间点:it is since后面跟的是起始时间点,而it is before后面跟的是结束时间点


- It is three o'clock since I last ate.

(It is three o'clock since I last ate.)

- You need to submit the application before June 1st.

(You need to submit the application before June 1st.)

5.动作延续:it is since强调动作从过去一直持续到现在,而it is before则只强调发生在某个时间点之前


- It is two years since I started learning piano.

(It is two years since I started learning piano.)

- They finished their homework before dinner.

(They finished their homework before dinner.)