

第1个回答  2013-09-04
Here I would take some minutes to introduce myself,especially work experience. I started to work every summer and winner vacation since I was 10. I have ever worked at many places and be many roles, the most one I liked was last summer, I worked in a book store, to be an sales assistant. That required me learn about ours products firstly then know their categories, which can help customers find what they want in a short time. And our commodities was freshed every week. so we needed to check inventory at the end of each week , then typed in system with results.

And the most interested thing I felt was that we needed study customers firstly, we should understand what types, what personal characteristics she or he was, through her or his dressing, emotion,expression,etc. Then we could know which books we should recommend to them.

Practice makes my life perfect.本回答被提问者采纳