

第1个回答  2008-05-17
Being such that every part of the surface or the circumference is equidistant from the center:
a round ball.
Moving in or forming a circle.
Shaped like a cylinder; cylindrical.
Rather rounded in shape:
the child's round face.
Full in physique; plump:
a round figure.
Linguistics Linguistics Formed or articulated with the lips in a rounded shape:
a round vowel.
Full in tone; sonorous.
Whole or complete; full:
a round dozen.
Mathematics Mathematics Expressed or designated as a whole number or integer; not fractional.
Not exact; approximate:
a round estimate.
Large; considerable:
a round sum of money.
Brought to satisfactory conclusion or completion; finished.
Outspoken; blunt:
a round scolding.
Done with full force; unrestrained:
gave me a round thrashing.
Something, such as a circle, disk, globe, or ring, that is round.
A circle formed of various things.
Movement around a circle or about an axis.
A rung or crossbar, as one on a ladder or chair.
A cut of beef from the part of the thigh between the rump and the shank.
An assembly of people; a group.
A round dance.
A complete course, succession, or series:
a round of parties; a round of negotiations.
A course of customary or prescribed actions, duties, or places. Often used in the plural:
physicians' rounds.
A complete range or extent.
One drink for each person in a gathering or group:
Let me buy the next round.
A single outburst, as of applause or cheering.
A single shot or volley.
Ammunition for a single shot or volley.
A specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance to a target in archery.
Sports & Games A unit of play that occupies a specified time, constitutes a certain number of plays, or allows each player a turn, especially the 18-hole sequence played in golf or one of the periods in a boxing match.
Music A composition for two or more voices in which each voice enters at a different time with the same melody.
round·ed round·ing rounds
v. tr.
To make round.
bend 1
To encompass; surround.
To cause to proceed or move in a circular course.
Linguistics To pronounce with rounded lips; labialize.
To fill out; make plump.
To bring to completion or perfection; finish.
Mathematics To express as a round number:
The number 1.64 can be rounded to 1.6 or to 2.
To make a complete circuit of; go or pass around.
To make a turn about or to the other side of:
rounded a bend in the road.
v. intr.
To become round.
To take a circular course; complete or partially complete a circuit:
racecars rounding into the final lap.
To turn about, as on an axis; reverse.
To become curved, filled out, or plump.
To come to satisfactory completion or perfection.
In a circular progression or movement; around.
With revolutions:
wheels moving round.
To a specific place or person:
called round for the pastor; sent round for the veterinarian.
From the beginning to the end of; throughout:
a plant that grows round the year.
round on
To turn on and assail.
round up
To seek out and bring together; gather.
To herd (cattle) together from various places.
in the round
With the stage in the center of the audience.
Fully shaped so as to stand free of a background:
a sculpture in the round.
make go the rounds
To go from place to place, as on business or for entertainment:
a delivery truck making the rounds; students going the rounds in the entertainment district.
To be communicated or passed from person to person:
The news quickly made the rounds. A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.

机械术语中表示轮轴 转齿
第2个回答  2008-05-17
第3个回答  2008-05-17
圆, 圆形物, 巡回, 轮唱, [体]一轮
圆的, 球形的, 丰满的, 大概的, 十足的, 完全的, 率直的, 肥胖的
围着, 附近, 绕过, 在...周围
弄圆, 使成圆形, 绕行, 完成, 围捕, 四舍五入
变圆, 发胖, 环行, 拐弯, 进展
围绕着, 循环地, 在周围, 迂回地, 朝反方向, 挨个


第4个回答  2008-05-17
第5个回答  2008-05-17