书面表达英语作文:a good way study


With the economic development of our country, more and more students choose to go abroad for further study. This phenomenon has drawn great attention.
Some people think it is great to study abroad. If you go abroad, you can expand your horizons and experience the local culture at the same time. Also, you can make friends with more people. Above all, you can master a foreign language more quickly if you live in a place where the language is widely spoken.
Other people don't think it a good idea to go abroad. They think students who have language barrier may come across great difficulties in their study. And the expense for going abroad is too high. If you want to lower the expense by working part-time, your study will be influenced.
On my person note, going abroad for further study is a good choice for people who can afford it. But for those who are not rich enough, they had better study here in China.
第1个回答  2015-11-05
A good way to study
Clear your mind. If you’ve got a lot on your mind take a moment to write yourself some notes about what you're thinking about and how you feel before you start studying. This will help to clear your mind and focus all your thoughts on your work.
Try the Keywords Technique. In this simple technique, the only thing you have to do is to find the right keyword on what you are studying or doing and whenever you lose concentration or feel distracted or your mind wanders to something else, start saying that keyword repeatedly in your mind until you come back to the topic at hand. The keyword in this technique is not a single, fixed word but keeps changing according to your study or work. There are no rules to select the keyword and whichever word the person feels that it will bring back his concentration can be used as a keyword.
Example: When you are reading an article about the guitar, the keyword 'guitar' can be used. Start reading each sentence slowly and while reading, whenever you feel distracted or not able to understand or concentrate, start saying the keyword guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar, guitar until your mind comes back to the article and then you can continue your reading.