

第1个回答  2022-07-10





  本记忆法规定,如果考生对某一单词,能说出它的所有汉语意思和用法,那么本单词对他来说就是白词。如果能说出它的部分意思,就把定义为灰词;如果不能够说出它的任何意思和用法,就把她定义为黑词。 记忆的顺序是先记忆灰词,将全部灰词转化为白词。消灭了灰词后,就开始记忆黑词,经过一段时间的记忆,一部分黑词就可能转化为白词,另一部分变成了灰词。在以后的记忆中,黑词不断地变为灰词,灰词不断地变成白词,最终所有词汇都变成白词。这是第一层面上的循环。

  另一个层次上的循环是,在记忆灰词和黑词时,可以将单词按一定的标准分组,规定第一天记忆第一组,第二天记忆第二组,第三天记忆第三组,复习第一组,第四天记第四组复习第二组,依次循环,达到边记忆边复习的目的。 这种单词记忆的好处是学习者始终知道自己的学习任务和学习效果。有关黑白词汇的记忆的.具体方法,大家可以参看我们的《大学英语词汇黑白记忆法》。


  黑白循环记忆法解决的是四级词汇的宏观记忆方法,而词根词缀记忆法解决的是词汇微观记忆问题。它的特点是充分利用单词的构词规律,通过掌握一组单词的共同词根或词缀,达到成串记忆单词的目的。比如知道 able,abil 的意思是capable 能,就可以知道able,enable,unable,ability,capable等都是和能力和才干有关系的;如果知道act=to do,to drive做,干,驱动那么记忆act,action,actor,actress,active ,activity,activate,actual,exact,reactor,interact,transaction等就非常简单了。 知道了part=to separate的意思是分离,分开更可以记住一长串单词 parcel,park,partly,partial,partner,party,participate,participant,particle,particular,apart, apartment,department,compartment,depart,part,partion 。类似的词根还有很多。在这里我们仅举几例,有关大学英语 的词根,词缀记忆的方法,大家可以参看我们的《大学英语词汇词根、词缀记忆法》一书。

  advan=forward在前,向前;add=to put to加上;aer=air,space空气,天空,太空;ag=to do,to move,to conduct做,搅动,引导;alter= to change 改变;ampl=large,spacious宽,大;ann,enn=year年;art=skill技艺;cur(e),sur(e)—=care操心,关注,安全,照

  看,医治;dic,dit=to speak讲,说;form,forma=,format=shape,figure形成,模式。



   初三英语教案:How do you study for a test

   1。Status and Function

  In this unit, students learn to talk about how to st udy。 Such topic is ve ry useful to students。 It's helpful to raise learning interest of all the students。 Either more or less advanced students will benefit a lot。

  (1) The first period mainly gives students listening and oral pract ice using the target language “How do you study for a text? I study by doing …”

  (2) The activities in the second period give students more listening and oral practice using more target language。 They are helpful to improve students' listening and speaking skills。

  (3) In the third period, students learn to get detailed information from an article。 It is a basic reading skill and is a great help to improve students' reading skill。

  (4) The fourth period not only introduce s some new words but also provides students with many different kinds of activ ities。 In this class, students learn to give advice to those who have difficulty in studying using the target language。

  (5) The fifth period is designed to train students' reading and writing skills。

  (6) All the activities in the last period in this unit are used to provide writing practice using the target language。

   2。Teaching Aims and Demands

  (1) Knowledge Objects

  In this unit, students learn to talk about how to study for a test and give advice to those who have difficulty in studying。

  (2) Ability Objects

  To train students' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills using the target language。

  (3) Moral Object

  Everyone learns a diffe rent way。 The best one is to do。 That is, no pains, no gains。

   3。Teaching Key Point

  To make students learn and grasp the key vocabulary words and the target language 初中语文。

   4。 Teaching Difficult Point

  To train students' listening, speaking, reading and writing skills。

  To train students' communicative competence。

   5。Studying Way

  Teach students how to be successful language learners。

  Ⅱ。Language Function

  Talk about how to study。

  Ⅲ。Target Language

  1。How do you study for tests?

  Well, I study by working with my classmates。

  2。Have you ever studied with a group?

  Yes, I hav e。 I've learned a lot that way。

  3。I don't have a partner to practise English with。

  Maybe you should join an English club。


  verb+by with gerund

  Ⅴ。Voc abulary

  1。flashcard, take notes, frustrating, memorize, aloud, comma, make mistakes, pronunciation, be afraid to

  2。What about …?

  3。Why don't you …?


  vocabulary list, cassette, conversation, improve, forget, test, notebook, friend, English language, study, video, pop song, speak, learn, watch, work, join, listen, write, practice

  Ⅶ。Learning strategies


  2。Role playing

  Ⅷ。Teaching Time

  Seven periods



  A Housework

  Last Sunday, I did housework with my mother at home。 My duty was cleaning my bedroom and sorting the bookshelf。 After breakfast, I started my work。 I first arranged books on the shelf。 Previously, most books were my textbooks, but I wanted to do some changes。 I picked up the textbooks on a cartoon and put the books I read 初中数学 at spare time on the shelf。 And then I started to clean my bedroom。 Because mother cleaned it almost everyday, so my task was not so heavy。 After I finished my own duty, I helped mother with other works。 Before lunch, we finished all the housework。




  While eating in a restaurant, I reprimanded my four—year—old son for speaking with his mouth full 。 "Mump umn Kmpfhm," was all I heard。

  "Drew," I scolded, "no one can understand a word you're saying。

  "He says he wants some ketchup," my husband said calmly

  A woman sitting nearby leaned over and asked, "How in the world did you understand him?"

  "I'm a dentist," my husband explained。


  (1) reprimand v。申斥

  (2) scold v。责备

  (3) ketchup n。番茄酱

  (4) How in the world did you understand him?你究竟如何明白他的话的呢?句中“ in the world”用来表示强调,加强语气。



  ① Where did the story take place?

  ② How old was the son?

  ③ Why did the mother scold her son?

  ④ What did the father say the boy want?

  ⑤ Why could the father understand the son?



  “祖,”我责备道,&ldquo 中考;没人明白你在说什么。”





  ① In a restaurant。

  ② He was four years old

  ③ Because he had spoken with his mouth full。

  ④ Some ketchup。

  ⑤ Because he was a dentist。




  He is the man giving you the money。 (= who gave 初三 you…) 他就是给你钱的那个人。

  He is the man stopped by the car。 ( = who was stopped by…)



  gone, fallen, retired, grown—up, escaped, faded, returned

  例: a well—read person。 一个读过许多书的人

  a much—travelled may 一个去过许多地方的人

  a burnt—out match 烧完了的火柴








  1。 by air 乘飞机。如:

  He went to Paris by air。 他乘飞机去了巴黎。

  Which is faster, by air or by train? 坐飞机快还是坐火车快?

  2。 in the air 在空中;在流传中;渺茫。如:

  Birds fly in the air。 鸟在空中飞。

  The plan is quite (up) in the air。 计划还相当渺茫。

  3 初中物理。 on the air 在广播中。如:

  I heard the news on the air。 我在广播中听到了这条消息。

  What’s on the air this evening? 今晚有什么广播节目?
