
要有文章名或书名..作者.. 文章出处或出版社。。当日阅读内容梗概。。好词好句摘录。。我的感想。。求求各位鸟!!!跪求!!!急急急!!!恩,最好是寓言故事

第1个回答  2013-02-14
An abandoned well there is a frog. One day, the frog met a turtle came from the sea. Frog on the turtle boasted: " you see, I live here! Sometimes happy, on the curb side jump a; tired, went back to the well, sleeping in the holes back. Or just leave head and mouth, quietly put the body in the water: or walk in the mud, also very comfortable. Have a look those shrimp and tadpole shrimp, no one I do not. Also, I am the well owner, in this very well, take one's ease, why don't you go to the well to tour! " The turtle the words, really want to have a look. But it's not the whole left foot in, right foot had stumbled. It hurriedly retreat two step, turn to sea told the frog said: " have you seen the sea? The vast sea, where thousands of miles; the depth of the sea, where more than a thousand feet. In ancient times, have nine years of flood in ten years, the water in the sea, did not increase; seven years later, in eight years, the water in the sea is not shallow, how much. So the sea is not affected by drought and flood influence. Live in the sea, is really happy! " After listening to frog turtle said, surprised to stay there, and then have no words to say. (井底之蛙的故事)追问
