project proposal有学霸师兄告诉我下咋写吗?快要逼疯了!


第1个回答  2016-12-21
以下是Project Proposal写作机构跟方法介绍,摘自美伦教育网:
Your Background

Using bullet points, state professional qualifications, skills, experiences, abilities and prior practice that are relevant to your proposal.

Outline Proposal

Describe your precise area of interest and research/study you wish to undertake demonstrating your contextual knowledge.
Describe the core of your project in three to four sentences.
Outline the context in which your project operates answering questions such as: Why is your project relevant? Who might be its audience(s)?


Refer to specific areas, critical ideas and precedents, which underpin and frame your proposal.
This section invites you to extend the description of your project focusing on specific areas. Particularly important is your evaluation of precedents and how you position your project in relationship to these.


Outline the sequence of practical, of theoretical and of visual research that you intend to follow.
This section requires you to be specific about how you plan to conduct your project and where particular challenges might lie.


Evaluate your work to date. Which conclusions are you are able to draw?
Where do you think the strengths of your work lie and where are areas you might improve?


Document resources that you have drawn on as part of your research towards your proposal including professional contacts, libraries, museums, galleries, special archives or collections.
Document any professional contacts that might support the delivery of your project. These might be drawn from the list above and / or extend to your access to research or production facilities, potential collaborators etc.


Please give clear references of any relevant documentary material including books, images, videos, objects, artworks, online sources etc.

Appendix (optional)

This section is optional. You can insert any additional material that you consider relevant but not a core part of your project proposal.
This could be other projects, notebooks, drawings, company analyses, or additional research material.本回答被提问者和网友采纳