
1. The money in itself ______to us; what really counts is your friendship.[ 1分]
A.doesn't matterB. means nothingC.doesn't countD.doesn't supply

* 2. The ease _______ which he started the engine was remarkable[ 1分]

* 3. Most of the things he has suggested so far have ______[ 1分]
A.worked onB.been at workC.worked ofD.worked out

* 4. _____ is taught by Professor Smith[ 1分]

* 5. Pain is _______ when one breaks a bone.[ 1分]
A. criticalB. avoidableC.unavoidableD.essential

* 6. You must accustom yourself to be more ______ when you are with people[ 1分]
A.at your easeB.set at easeC.ill at easeD.with ease

* 7. Why have you singled me out ______ criticism?[ 1分]

* 8. ______ he realized what she meant, he would be angry.[ 1分]
A. SinceB. OnceC. AfterD. What

* 9. He is a great friend of _____[ 1分]

* 10. Students are expected to _____ their classes on time[ 1分]

* 11. Buses into town run _____ twenty minutes or so.[ 1分]

* 12. It is necessary that he _____ sent there at once[ 1分]
A.isB.will beC.shall beD.should be

* 13. His sole requirement was that the system ______[ 1分]
A.will be adjustedB.should adjustC.should be adjustedD.will adjust

* 14. The convict was _____ from prison after serving his sentence.[ 1分]
A. refusedB. drivenC.releasedD. relieved

* 15. He's stopped taking drugs now, but he may ______ them again[ 1分]
A.revert to takeB.revert to takingC.return backD.repeat

* 16. Whenever I have to make a speech, I get butterflies in my _______.[ 1分]
A.heartB. headC. mindD. stomach

* 17. He knew himself to be raw, quite ______ mistakes through his inexperience[ 1分]
A.able to makeB.capable of makingC.apt to makingD.capable to make

* 18. Who did you think will _____ now that the government has been dismissed?[ 1分]
A. take upB.take backC.take overD.take out

* 19. John's back home ______; he won't go away again.[ 1分]
A.once and for allB. onceC. once againD.once more

* 20. He amassed a ______ fortune.[ 1分]

第1个回答  2010-12-20
B A D D C A A B C B A D C C A B B C A C本回答被提问者采纳