

第1个回答  2022-06-17

在 学习英语 的过程中,我们常常会遇到success这个单词,而且它也是常考的一个知识点,那么success的用法有哪些?下面是我给大家带来的success的用法 总结 _success的用法及 短语 ,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧!






●  success的释义

success 英[s?k'ses] 美[s?k'ses]

n. 成功,成就;胜利;大获成功的人或事物

●   success的用法



具体用法如下:success in sth/doing sth,have much(little etc.) success in sth ,

the key to success ,meet with little success 。

做不可数名词时,意思为,成功的人或事,make a success of sth。


1,达到目的,实现目标,办到,做成,为不及物动词,具体用法:succeed in doing sth

2.成功,有成就,有作为,为不及物动词用法:succeed in sth succeed as sth

3.接替,继任,随后出现,为及物动词 如:Obama succeeded Bush as president.(奥巴马接任布什成为总统)。

4.继承,为不及物动词:如succeed to sth.如:She succeeded to the throne.她继承了王位。


1.达到目的,有成效的。用法:be successful in sth/doing sth ,be successful at sth/doing sth

2.获得成功的,有成就的。如:a successful actor 有成就的演员。


●   success的短语

success in 在…方面成功

great success 巨大成功;非常成功

with success 成功地

success rate 成功率;接通率

without success 没有成功

secret of success n. 成功的秘诀

achieve success 取得成功;获得成功

success and failure 成功与失败

way to success 成功之路

road to success 成功之路;成功者之路

complete success 完全成功;彻底的胜利

make a success of 把…做得十分成功,在…上取得成功(或做出成绩)

economic success 经济上的成功

success story n. 一个人的成名史

wish you every success 一帆风顺

meet with success 成功

academic success 学科成就,学术成就

success probability 成功率;成功概率

feeling of success 成功感


●   success的例句

I hope you will be feeling very positive about your chances of success.我希望你对自己成功的可能应该感到非常乐观。

The film's success rested on a promotional campaign showcasing its relentless eye candy.影片的成功全靠一场展现其令人目不暇接的花架子的宣传活动。

The study found that success in the educational system correlates highly with class.研究发现 教育 体制的成功与课堂大有关系。[with obj.] establish such a relationship or connection between 在…之间建立关系;把…联系起来: we should correlate general trends in public opinion with trends in the content of television news. 我们必须将舆论的总趋势和电视新闻内容的趋势联系起来。

Such action bestows more éclat upon a warrior than success by other means.与通过其他手段获得的成功相比,此举可使一个勇士获得更显赫的声誉。

He spread his net far and wide in his search for success.为了获得成功,他将网面撒得很大。

I am sure you will join me in wishing him every success.我深信你会和我一样祝愿他大获成功。

The price of their success was an entire day spent in discussion.他们用了一整天的讨论换来了成功。

The secret of success lies in the relation of income to outgo.成功的秘密在于掌握收入与支出之间的关系。

His success was the cue for the rest of Fleet Street to forge ahead.他的成功是其余英国报界稳步前进的一个信号。

Success came quickly, thanks to a mixture of talent, enterprise, and luck.成功之所以来得这么快,靠的是才能、足智多谋和运气。


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