

第1个回答  2023-01-13
【 #小学英语# 导语】练习是全面完成英语教学任务所必不可少的重要手段,它将直接影响英语教学的成效。因此,正确认识练习的功用、把握练习设计的原则、精心设计课堂练习、做到有的放矢就成为减轻学生(特别是学困生)过重负担,提高教育教学质量、全面实施素质教育中的一个值得认真,深入研究的课题。以下是 整理的《四年级小学生英语作业题3篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  一、 根据汉语意思,选择正确的单词。
  ( )1.桌子 A.desk B.chair
  ( ) 2.在……上面 A.in B.on
  ( ) 3.书包 A.schoolbag B.blackboard
  ( ) 4.在……中间 A.behind B.between
  ( ) 5.在……旁边 A.beside B.under
  ( ) 6.老师 A.pupil B.teacher
  ( ) 7.铅笔 A.pencil B.pen
  ( ) 8.椅子 A.desk B.chair
  ( ) 9.尺子 A.ruler B.crayon
  ( )10.黑板 A.blackboard B.book
  ( )11.名字 A.game B.name
  ( )12.在……后面 A.behind B.beside
  ( )13.她的 A.his B.her
  ( )14.五十 A.fifty B.fifteen
  ( )15.什么 A.where B.what
  二、 我的选择。
  ( )1.How____ you ?
  A.is B.am C.are
  ( )2.You can call____ Jenny.
  A.my B.me C.I
  ( )3.Welcome back____ school.
  A.to B.of C.for
  ( )4.Nice____ meet you.
  A.to B.too C.for
  ( )5. ____name is Jenny.
  A.I B.You C.My
  ( )6. ____ pen is it ? Look.It’s Lucy’s.
  A. Who B.Whose C.What
  ( )7.Is it____ book ?
  A.Steven B.Steven’s C.Stevens’
  ( )8. ____is my pen ? I can’t find it.
  A.Where B.What C.When
  ( )9.This is ____ desk.
  A.he B.he’s C.his
  ( )10.This is a ____.
  A.chairs B.chair C.chair’s
  ( )11.This is ____ pencil.
  A.a B.an C./
  ( )12. ____ pen is it ? It’s Lily’s.
  A.Who B.Whose C.What
  ( )13.Kim is drawing ____ her pencil.
  A.in B.with C.on
  ( )14.It’s ____ pencil.
  A.he B.he’s C.his
  ( )15. ____ books do I have ?
  A. How many B.What C.Where
  ( )16. ____ is Danny ?He is ____ the library.
  A.What;in B.Where;on C.Where;in
  ( )17. ____ is the first day of the week.
  A.Sunday B.Friday C.Saturday
  ( )18. ____ is the seventh day of the week.
  A.Sunday B.Friday C.Saturday
  ( )19.This is a ____ day.
  A.sun B.sunny C.cloud
  ( )20.It is snowy in ____.
  A.December B.June C.September
  ( )21. ____ is Danny ? He is in the library.
  A.When B.Where C.What
  ( )22.His name ____ Toby.
  A.am B.is C.are
  ( )23. _____is the second month of a year.
  A.February B.January C.March
  ( )24.This is a ____ day.
  A.rain B.sun C.windy
  ( )25. Is this your pencil ? ____.
  A.Yes,it isn’t. B.No,it isn’t C.No,it is
  ( )26.What’s the ____ .
  A.date B.day C.it
  ( )27.Wednesday is the ____ day of the week.
  A.third B.second C.fourth
  ( )28. ____ is New Year’s Day.
  A.October first B.January first C.February first
  ( )29.The boy ____red shorts is the first.
  A.on B.in C.at
  ( )30. ____ is the weather in December ?
  A.What B.When C.How
  1.February   八月
  2.December   二月
  3.July   十二月
  4.November   七月
  5.March   十一月
  6.August   三月
  7.April   一月
  8.September   九月
  9.January   四月
  10.June   五月
  11.May   十月
  12.October   六月
  13.新年   Spring Festival
  14.教师节   New Year’s Day
  15.国庆节   Teacher’s Day
  16.春节   National Day
  17.国际劳动节   Children’s Day
  18.儿童节   Women’s Day
  19.妇女节   International Workers’Day
  20.圣诞节   Christmas
  A栏         B栏
  ( )1.Hello.     A.I’m Jenny.
  ( )2.How are you ?     B.Nice to meet you,too.
  ( )3.What’s your name ?     C.Hi.
  ( )4.And you ?     D.Fine,thank you.
  ( )5.Nice to meet you.     E.I’m fine,too.
  ( )1.你好吗?     A.This is a sunny day.
  ( )2.这是她的书。     B.This is her book.
  ( )3.这是晴朗的一天。     C.How are you ?
  ( )4.钢笔在哪儿?     D.How’s the weather today ?
  ( )5.今天天气怎么样?     E.Where’s the pen ?
  ( )6.书在书桌上面。     F.LiMing is in front of the tree.
  ( )7.李明在树前。     G.The book is on the desk.


  (  )1. A. thirty B. fifty C. four D. too
  (  )2. A. math B. English C. book D. Chinese
  (  )3. A. tall B. sports C. strong D. quiet
  (  )4. A. notebook B. floor C. wall D. door
  (  )5. A. nurse B. teacher C. student D. picture
  (  )1. What’s in your schoolbag?
  A. Many books and a pencil-case. B.A heavy schoolbag.
  C. Yes, it is.
  (  )2. How many books do you have?
  A. I like bread and milk. B. I have ten books.
  C. I have a big room.
  (  )3. Amy short. She short hair.
  A. has; has B. is; has C. is; is
  (  )4. I a new friend.
  A .have B.has C. to have
  (  )5. I can see English book and math book.
  A. a , a B. an, an C. an, a
  1. ① look ② Let’s ③ have ④ go ⑤ a ⑥ and(连词成句,只写序号)
  2. ① do ② How ③ many ④ you ⑤ have ⑥ books(连词成句,只写序号)
  3. ① long ② has ③ My ④ hair ⑤ mother(连词成句,只写序号)
  4.I have a new schoolbag.(用book仿写句子)
  5.She has short hair. She has big eyes.(用and合并句子) _______________________________________________
  四、从B 栏中找出A栏相对应的答语。
  A                       B
  (  )1、How many pencils do you have?   A、 His name is Mike.
  (  )2、Where is my seat?   B、 It is black and white.
  (  )3、What colour is this bag?   C、 Sure. Here you are.
  (  )4、What is his name?   D、 I have thirty pencils.
  (  )5、May I have a look?   E、 It is near the door.
  I’m Miss Liu.I am your English teacher.We have a new classroom.It is very big and clean.This is my new desk. There are some new English books.They are blue and white.These new desks and chairs are for you.
  (  )1.Misss Liu is teacher.
  A. a Chinese B. an English C. a math
  (  )2.They have a classroom.
  A. small B. old C. new
  (  )3.Their English books are .
  A. blue B. white C. blue and white





















