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抚远口岸 乌苏镇 三江口 三江自然湿地保护区 洪河自然保护区 街津口 佳木斯旅游景点介绍
晨 星 岛
儿 童 公 园


Jiamusi (Hezhe: , listen, "bone" or "恰克莫" (s Saman); Manchu: ________; Chinese: 佳木斯; pinyin: Jiāmùsī) is a prefecture-level city in the province of Heilongjiang, in the People's Republic of China, located on the riverside of the middle and lower reaches of the Songhua River. Population 1,755,000.
Qianjin District (前进区)
Xiangyang District (向阳区)
Dongfeng District (东风区)
Jiaoqu District (郊区)
Huanan County (桦南县)
Tangyuan County (汤原县)
Tongjiang City (同江市)
Fujin City (富锦市)
Fuyuan County (抚远县)
Huachuan County (桦川县)
[edit] Transportation
China National Highway 221
[edit] History
[edit] Toxic leak in benzene factory
Main article: Jilin chemical plant explosions 2005
A benzene plant situated upstream in the city of Jilin along the Songhua river exploded on 13 November 2005. Benzene levels reached more than 100 times normal levels, which led authorities in Harbin to shut off the water supply, and some residents left the city while others rushed to buy bottled water. After a few days the water supply was restored. The Harbin government originally declared to the public that the water supply was temporarily off while the supply system was checked. They also denied reports of a chemical leak, claiming that was "just a rumour."
Content provided by :
11 Aug 2009
Jiamusi (Heilongjiang) City Information
Major Economic indicators (2007)
Land Area 31,528 km2
2.5 million
RMB 34.1 billion (US$4.5 billion), 14.3% up
GDP Composition
Primary Industry (Agriculture)
Secondary Industry
(Industry Construction)
Tertiary Industry(Service)
GDP Per Capita
RMB 13,690 (US$1,820)
Unemployment Rate
Fixed Asset Investment
RMB 8.1 billion (US$1.1 billion), 35.1% up
Utilized FDI
US$25.8 million, 49.0% up
Total Import Export
US$1.7 billion, 58.1% up
US$1.5 billion, 74.5% up
US$207.0 million, 5.9% down
Sales of Consumer Goods
RMB 12.0 billion (US$1.6 billion), 18.6% up
Source: Jiamusi Economic and Social Development Report 2007
Jiamusi, a prefecture-level city in the northeastern part of Heilongjiang Province, is seated in the Sanjiang Plain. It faces Russia across the Ussuri River (also known as Wusuli River) and the Heilongjiang River. It covers an area of 31,528 sq km and has a population of 2.5 million. It has cold temperate continental monsoon climate and an average temperature of about 3 Celsius.
It is a transportation hub in east Heilongjiang Province. The Tongjiang-Sanya Highway, the Tongjiang-Harbin Highway and the Hegang-Dalian Highway, as along with 6 province-level highways, form a comprehensive highway network in Jiamusi. The Harbin-Jiamusi Railway, the Jiamusi-Hegang Railway, the Mudanjiang-Jiamusi Railway and the Jiamusi-Fujin Railway connect the city with all the other cities in Heilongjiang. Jiamusi Airport, 9 km east of the city center, offers regular flights to Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other cities.
Jiamusi is rich in mineral resources, such as gold, natural gas, coal and mineral water. The natural gas reserve in Jiamusi amounts to about 10 million steres and ranks first in Heilongjiang. The coal reserves and the iron ore reserves reach 62.3 million tons and 3.9 tons, respectively.
Economic Features
Jiamusi is the sixth largest economy in Heilongjiang Province in terms of GDP in 2007. In 2007, Jiamusi's GDP paced up 14.3% from a year earlier to RMB 34.1 billion, comprising 4.8% of the province's total.
The service sector, the strongest sector, gained value-added output of RMB 16.4 billion in 2007, contributing 48.0% to Jiamusi's economy. Value-added output from the agricultural sector increased by 8.9% to RMB 10.7 billion, accounting for 31.4% of the city's GDP, while that from the construction and industrial sector soared 19.3% to RMB 7.0 billion, making up 20.6% of the city's GDP.
Jiamusi is an agricultural production hub in Heilongjiang Province. In 2007, gross output value from the agricultural sector surged 10.8% to RMB 13.8 billion, accounting for 8.1% of Heilongjiang Province's total and ranking fourth in the province following Harbin, Qiqihar and Suihua.
In 2007, gross industrial output from the city surpassed RMB 12.7 billion, representing a sharp rise of 26.4% over the previous year. Gross output from heavy industry exceeded RMB 7.2 billion, increasing by 18.7% compared with a year ago, while that from light industry reached RMB 5.5 billion, rising 18.7% year on year. Heavy industry and light industry made up 56.7% and 43.3% of the city's total gross industrial output.
Electricity production and supply, construction materials, chemicals and agricultural products processing are the pillar industries in the city. Major industrial products in the city include cement, edible oils, fertilizer and feed. The industrial sector in Jiamusi is relatively weak compared with other cities in Heilongjiang such as Harbin and Daling. Value-added output from the industrial sector was RMB 5.6 billion, making up less than 2% of Heilongjiang's total. There are no listed companies in the city.
The consumer market in Jiamusi is very active. In 2007, sales of consumer goods amounted to RMB 12 billion, surging 18.6% from the previous year. Jiamusi's sales constituted 5.1% of Heilongjiang's total sales of consumer goods and ranked sixth among the 13 prefecture and prefecture-level cities in the province.
Foreign trade value surged 58.1% to RMB 1.7 billion in 2007, ranking fourth in Heilongjiang. Export value was US$1.5 billion, up 74.5% year on year, while import value stood at US$207 million, down 5.9% year on year. Russia is Jamusi's largest foreign trade partner. In 2007, foreign trade with Russia rose 55.1% to US$1.54 billion, comprising 90.5% of the city's total.
The utilized FDI in Jiamusi hit US$25.8 million in 2007, with a sharp rise of 49% year on year. TNT from the Netherlands, Wilmar International Group from Singapore, Dalkia from France and Deere from the U.S. have set up businesses in the city.
Cultural Highlights
Jiamusi has a long history. In ancient times, it served as a post road from the Songhua River to the Heilongjiang River. The earliest records in Jiamusi date back to 1720. The region was named Dongxing County in 1888 and its name was changed into Jiamusi in 1930.
Jiamusi is a hometown of the Sushen people, ancestors of the Manchu, and an ethnic minority group in China. Many ethnic groups, including Manchus and Mongols, are still living in the city. Their traditional cultures are well-preserved.
Tourist Attractions
Jiamusi offers many tourist attractions. It has many towns and beautiful natural scenic spots such as Honghe Nature Reserve, Wusu Town, Fuyuan Port, Sanjiang Nature Reserve and Wofoshan Skiing Resort. Honghe Nature Reserve is famous for its swans, wild geese and red-crowned cranes. Wusu Town, a small salmon-fishing town, is the easternmost place in China.
People traveling to Jiamusi will enjoy tasty local dishes such as spicy noodles, Roasted Pork, Roasted Mutton, and Roasted Fish.
Best Ecological Environmental City in China (2006)
---China Central Television (CCTV)
Higher Education
Jiamusi is home to Jiamusi University.

