

第1个回答  2024-05-29
P: As we gather here, this moment etched in history, a testament to the unyielding pursuit of liberty. It was fifty years ago that the Great Emancipation Proclamation illuminated the path, yet still, the Nation's darkest chapter echoes with echoes of segregation, discrimination, poverty, and exile. Our presence here today is a call to confront these injustices, to cash a check on the promises of the Constitution, but alas, America's commitment has faltered, delivering a worthless check to the Negro community.

P: We demand not just freedom, but justice's riches and security, a guarantee of the rights we are constitutionally owed. This site, hallowed ground, is a reminder of the pressing need for action. We cannot afford gradual change; we must embrace democracy's promise and strive for racial justice, bridging the divide between unity.

P: Ignoring the present crisis could lead to unrest; we must walk the path of non-violence, "soul force," towards progress. Our new militancy must unite, recognizing our shared destiny. For true freedom to flourish, we march forward, committed to:

    Eradicating police brutality
    End to segregation in lodging
    Protecting children's innocence
    Universal voting rights for all
    Realizing true equality

P: Even amidst trials and persecution, we find redemption in our struggle. We persevere,坚信变革并非遥不可及。Our dream for America, rooted in the American Dream, envisions:

    A world where racial barriers dissolve
    A land where character defines, not skin tone

P: Let us rise above despair, striving for that shared dream, where:

    Georgia's former foes and friends sit in brotherhood
    Mississippi becomes a beacon of freedom, judged by character
    In Alabama, black and white siblings unite

P: Hope and faith, transforming despair into optimism, discord into unity, as we labor, pray, and fight for freedom, knowing one day, we will all be free at last. And on that day, all God's children will sing the nation's anthem:

"My country, 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, I sing."


《我有一个梦想》(I have a dream)是马丁·路德·金于1963年8月28日在华盛顿林肯纪念堂发表的著名演讲,内容主要关于黑人民族平等。对美国甚至世界影响很大,被我国编入中学教程。
