
注意: 80个单词左右。 意思表达完整,语句连贯。 写信日期为2010年12月8日。

第1个回答  2011-01-26
8rd December,2010
Hi Smith
I am happy to hear that you are coming to visit me. I live in 88, Jie Fang Lu, Hengyang Hunan, Hengyang,China. You could take the bus No.1 from the train station. Then you should get off the bus at Jie Fang Lu central station. I will wait for you there. Hope to see you soon.
Best Wish,
Lee Hau本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-02-02
8th December 2010
Dear Smith,
From your letter of 15 October I learned that you are coming to spend your winter holiday in Hengyang.I am writing to inform you that my address is 88 Jiefang Road,Hengyang,Hunan province.You can take No.1bus from the train station and I will pick you up at the central station of Jiefang road.
Best wishs,
Li Hua