李家大院英语导游词家大院位于万荣县阎景村,是晋南富商李子用的私人宅院, 始建于清道光年间,其建筑古朴


第1个回答  2023-07-22
Lijiayuan Private Mansion is located in Yanjing Village, Wanrong County,山西. It was the private residence of wealthy merchant, Mr. Li Ziyong, and was built during the Qing Dynasty in the early years of the 19th century. The architecture of the mansion is characteristically ancient and simple, yet also exudes a unique sense of grandeur.
The mansion features a collection of traditional buildings and courtyards arranged around a series of squares and narrow passageways. The main building, known as the "Da Mian," is a three-story structure with a high-pitched roof and intricate carvings on its columns and beams.
The mansion's entrance is marked by a large wooden door with intricate carvings and is surrounded by small shops selling local crafts and snacks. Inside, the mansion is divided into multiple courtyards, each with its own unique features and functions. The largest courtyard, known as the "Da Quan," is used for large gatherings and celebrations.
Adjacent to the Da Quan is the "Xiao Quan," a smaller courtyard where daily activities took place. Here, residents would conduct business transactions, socialize, and relax. In the center of the Xiao Quan is a well, a crucial source of water for the household.
One of the most interesting features of the Lijiayuan Private Mansion is its series of underground tunnels. These tunnels were used to facilitate secret商业交易 and provide a safe passage for residents during times of trouble. Some of these tunnels extend outside the mansion and connect to other buildings in the village.
As a cultural heritage site, Lijiayuan Private Mansion provides a valuable glimpse into the past and sheds light on the way of life of a wealthy merchant family in rural China. It is a must-visit for anyone interested in history, architecture, and cultural heritage.
第2个回答  2011-01-09
The lees courtyard house yard WanRongXian commentaries in English YanJing village, is recognized LiZiYong private businessmen houses, founded in qing dao guang year, its simple architecture本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2011-01-10