

第1个回答  2022-06-08
Day 316 morning 2021

So I lived my life alone, without anyone that I could really talk to, until I had an accident with my plane in the Desert of Sahara, six years ago. Something was broken in my engine. And as I had with me neither a mechanic nor any passengers, I set myself to attempt the difficult repairs all alone. It was a question of life or death for me, I had scarcely enough drinking water to last a week.

The first night, then, I went to sleep on the sand, a thousand miles from any human habitation.


比如,在中国神话中,人类 是女娲用黄土捏成的。

《圣经》上说,上帝用地上的尘土造人,将生气吹进他的鼻孔里,他就成了有生气的人,名字叫 Adam ,源自希伯来语 adamah (地 面)。

在希腊神话中,人类是普罗米修斯用泥土造成的。英语中表示“人类”的单词 human 就与此类神话传说相关。很多人认为, human 的前一部分来自拉 丁语 humus (泥土),表示“泥土所造的、地球上的生物”,与“神灵”相对。

英语词根 hum- 也来自拉丁语 humus (泥土),表示“泥土、潮湿”,含 有该词根的单词有: humid (潮湿的)、 inhume (埋葬)。

human:['hjuːmən] n. 人,人类 adj. 人的,人类的