一首英文歌,很清新,吉他伴奏,女生唱的,中间有口哨声,不是sunshine girl!!!

我听下来的歌词:i’ll rescue me from myself ,i falling down a "widsen will??" ,and i can't see the end. they came on March 22(or 4) and i left them rain when i saw u,it just don't make no sense. So i will come (gone?) i will come ,to the other side of blue ,yeah i will come i will come down my sunshine avenue。you spend a weather round my head ,but it got time to turn to dress,and nothing more got said,till u laugh me on a mental piece,i fail to expose u look truely,while people stop to stare, but they will come ,they will come to the other side of blue.yeah they will come ,they will come down my sunshine avenue(大概!)

第1个回答  2013-12-05