
接下来,让我们来一起看一些有趣的东西 。在看这些内容之前,首先请允许我问各位几个问题:在座的有毕业之后想去美国留学的吗? 你们对美国的法律知道多少呢?

第1个回答  2011-02-01
接下来,让我们来一起看一些有趣的东西 。Then,let's see something funny.
在看这些内容之前,首先请允许我问各位几个问题:Before that,please let me ask you some questions:
在座的有毕业之后想去美国留学的吗?Is there anyone who willing to have further study after graduation?
你们对美国的法律知道多少呢?How much do you know about the American laws?
你们知道美国历史上最囧的30条法律吗?Do you know the 30 most embarrassed laws in American history?
好吧,一起来看看OK,let's see it together.
第2个回答  2011-02-01
Then, let us see something interesting. Before we see these contents, please allow me to ask you several questions first:
Do you want to study in USA after graduation?
What do you know about American law?
Do you know the 30 most embarrassing laws in American history?
Ok,let's take a look.
