


第1个回答  2013-01-21
第2个回答  2007-04-08
El Nino is a phenomenon of uncommon temperature raising through a large area in the tropical Pacific Ocean. This phenomenon will cause global temperature raising, and the factors which are absolutely necessary for the balance of climic are disturbed, then the climate is disturbed. Due to recordation, there has been 13 times of El Nino from 1950, and the one which is still here since 1997 is the most serious one. Main reprisentation of this phenomenon is that the climic will become incredible odd either in nothen hemisphere or in southen hemisphere. There may be tremendous hot in cool weather, but heavy snow in worm spring, no drips in wet season, but flood in dry season......Scientist believe that, caused by Green House phnomenon, El Nino is a coproduction of deteriorated environment, and humen's long time squander of the resuorece on the earth deeply desturbed the stability of the environment.
In 3rd the Feburary, a conference brought together climate scientists from all around the world to Bangkok, the meeting brought into focus the importance of long-lead forecasts in alleviating social and economic costs related to climate variations and the need for political and financial support to establish an integrated regional climate information system. "Save the earth,save the mankind"is the key word of this conference. Experts believe that this time El Nino will last to April of this year, and during this time, the abnormity of climate may be more serious.


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