求 09年春晚小品《北京欢迎你》 的英文台词 把台词翻译成标准英语谢谢


第1个回答  2011-03-09
Welcome to Beijing

迎接另一个晨曦 带来全新空气 Another morning is coming, and brings in the fresh air
气息改变情味不变 茶香飘满情谊 Our friendship will never change, just like the fragrance of green tea
我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你 My door is always open for you, and I’m here for you with open arms
拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里 You’d know me better when you hugged me, and you will love it here
不管远近都是客人请不用客气 no matter distance is all the guest, Please don't stand on ceremony
相约好了在一起 我们欢迎你 You are here as promised, friends we welcome you
我家种着万年青 开放每段传奇 I grow green plant at home to show you all the legends in the past
为传统的土壤播种 为你留下回忆 I want to plant in the soil to make you good memories
陌生熟悉都是客人请不用拘礼 Friends and strangers, you are all my guests, and please be at home
第几次来没关系 有太多话题 No matter how many times we meet, there are still a lot to talk about
北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place
流动中的魅力充满着朝气 The charm of Beijing is full of life
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine
在黄土地刷新成绩 We want to make new record on this yellow soil
我家大门常打开 开怀容纳天地 I always keep my doors open, to welcome the world
岁月绽放青春笑容 迎接这个日期 The old ages is smiling like youth, to welcome this date
天大地大都是朋友请不用客气 We are all friends, please make yourself at home
画意诗情带笑意 只为等待你poetry and Painting With all the smiles, I'm only waiting for you
北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you
让我们都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to have dream
有勇气就会有奇迹 Just be brave and there will be a miracle
北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place
流动中的魅力充满着朝气 The charm of Beijing is full of life
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine
在黄土地刷新成绩 We want to make new record on this yellow soil
北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you
让我们都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to have dream
有勇气就会有奇迹 Just be brave and there will be a miracle
我家大门常打开 开放怀抱等你 My door is always open for you, and I’m wait for you with open arms
拥抱过就有了默契 你会爱上这里 You’d know me better when you hugged me, and you will love it here
不管远近都是客人请不用客气 Be my guest no matter you are from home and abroad
相约好了在一起 我们欢迎你 You are here as promised, friends we welcome you
北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place
流动中的魅力充满着朝气 The charm of Beijing is full of life
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine
在黄土地刷新成绩 We want to make new record on this yellow soil
我家大门常打开 开怀容纳天地 I always keep my doors open, to welcome the world
岁月绽放青春笑容 迎接这个日期 The old ages is smiling like youth, to welcome this date
天大地大都是朋友请不用客气 We are all friends, please make yourself at home
画意诗情带笑意 只为等待你poetry and Painting With all the smiles, I'm only waiting for you
北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you
让我们都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to have dream
有勇气就会有奇迹 Just be brave and there will be a miracle
北京欢迎你 为你开天辟地 Welcome to Beijing, we will show you a brand new place
流动中的魅力充满着朝气 The charm of Beijing is full of life
北京欢迎你 在太阳下分享呼吸 Welcome come to Beijing, let’s breath together in the sunshine
在黄土地刷新成绩 We want to make new record on this yellow soil
北京欢迎你 像音乐感动你 Welcome to Beijing, likes the music moved you
让我们都加油去超越自己 Let's working hard and try to go beyond ourselves
北京欢迎你 有梦想谁都了不起 Welcome to Beijing, it’s great to be able to have dream
有勇气就会有奇迹 Just be brave and there will be a miracle追问



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