
中学水平 急!

第1个回答  2007-11-18
Frederic Chopin (弗雷德里克 肖邦)

Many of the masters of the Romantic School had made use of national characteristics in their music, but it was by Chopin and Liszt that the great message of individual national expression was first spoken.
Chopin (1810 ~ 1849) was preeminently a Polish patriot and his music is ever reminiscent of the past glories of his native land.As both a pianist and composer, Chopin exerted a rare influence on modern music, for he gave not only the true poetic conception of tone, but also the possibility of combining national effects in music, by his use of the mazurkas, polonaises, and waltzes of Poland. Although all of Chopin’s music reflects his nationality, it is poetic expressions, verging toward program music; yet he gave no titles to his works and sought to make no suggestions to his hearers of the hidden beauty which each listener feels is lurking in the depths of his musical tone poems.
