

第1个回答  2019-08-16


第2个回答  2018-10-08
第3个回答  2018-10-05
October 1st is the Chinese National Day. National Day, celebrating the foundation of the People's Republic of China, is one of the seven legal holidays in China. In fact, National Day has appeared for a very long time and dates back back to ancient times. It started in the Western Jin Dynasty (265-316) and originated from the felicitations of happy events in the country.

In the feudal period, the emperor enthronement ceremony and the birthday of the emperor were main events to celebrate. That was National Day in ancient times, while National Day has a different meaning today. It is to celebrate the foundation of the People's Republic of China, in 1949.

There will be a variety of grand ceremonies and activities in China during National Day, such as a great ceremonial review of troops and lighting fireworks in the evening. National Day lasts 3 days since the year 1997. But people actually get a 7-day vacation which combines National Day holiday and two weekends on either side.

National Day holiday is another golden week in China. People will rush out to do some long-cherished travel, go shopping and do some other things.

Every year, China National Day Holiday lies between Oct.1 and Oct.7.

第4个回答  2018-10-03
咱当兵的人 有啥不一样只因为我们都穿着 朴实的军装咱当兵的人 有啥不一样自从离开了家乡 就难见到爹娘说不一样 其实也一样都是青春的年华 都是热血二郎说不一样 其实也一样一样的足迹留给 山高水长咱当兵的人 就是不一样头枕着边关的明月 身披着风霜咱当兵的人 就是不一样为了国家的安宁 我们紧握手中枪说不一样 其实也一样都在渴望辉煌 都在赢得荣光说不一样 其实也一样一样的风采在共和国的旗帜上飞扬咱当兵的人 有啥不一样只因为我们都穿着 朴实的军装咱当兵的人 就是不一样为了国家的安宁 我们紧握手中枪咱当兵的人 就是这个样更多资讯,请点击——国庆歌曲
第5个回答  2018-09-26