拜托 哪位高人帮我翻译一下吧 外贸函电的 ??谢谢了 急呀

1. 我们同意接受的价格术语是CFR而不是FOB。
2. 应允许转运和分批装运。
3. 数量前需加上“大约”的字样。

Dear sirs,
We have received your L/C which was opened by chartered bank lately. Through the carefully checking, we found that there are some discrepancies with our sales contract. The discrepancies are as follows:
1. We have agreed the trade term should be “CFR” not “FOB”.
2. It should be allowed to transshipment and partial shipment .
3. It should add “about” in front of the quantity.
Please amend the L/C and the shipment date and the validity of the L/C to the end of September and extends respectively October 15 th. Thank you for your cooperation.\
Yours sincerely
第1个回答  2011-11-02
51. Respectfull Sir,
We have received the bank letter from Chartered. Some discrepancies are found to be different from the confirm letter.
1. The price term is CFR but not FOB
2. The trans-ship and partial shipment should be allowed
3. "approximate" should be attached to the exact amount
Please modify the letter of credit as to changing the loading period and valiadity period of LOC to the end of September and fifteenth Oct. respectively.
Thanks for your corporation.
第2个回答  2011-11-03
尊敬するXX先生   殿
 贵社は Chartered银行にて 开设されていただきましたL/Cが 拝见致しました 详しく审査して
L/Cの条项には 契约书との条款に 合わない所があります 辻褄が合わないことは 次のとおり
1.弊社 出荷する価额は CFRとすることで 「FOBでは なく」
2.バッチ出荷と トランシップメントが 许可できること
3.数量の前に 「约」と云う字が 付けてください 「ブラス  マイナスに 说明す」
 つきましては L/Cの出港日及び有効期限を延ばして9月末と十月十五日まで 直して下さいませ
 御协力 感谢しております