
1.我叔叔是邮递员.他明天早上送信 (deliver)
2.吸烟有害,请不要吸烟. (be harmful to)
3.有些恐龙有十头大象的脚印 (as big as )
4.我们通过他们留下的脚印了解它们的 (know about...;leave behind)
5.他相信我回帮助他. (belive that)
6.你明天尽可能早点到 (as soon as possible)
7.我见他跪在路边乞讨 (kneel;beg)
8.她写小说出名(be known;novel)

第1个回答  2007-08-16
1 My uncle is a postman. He will deliver letters tomorrow.

2 Smoking is harmful to us, so please don't smoking.

3 Some dinosaurs were as big as ten elephent's footprint.

4 We know about them by footprint they left behind.

5 He belive that I will help him.

6 You will come here tomorrow as soon as possible.

7 I saw that he kneeled on the roadside to beg.

8 She is known by her novel.

第2个回答  2007-08-16
1.My uncle is the mailman He early morning will deliver a lettertomorrow
2.Smokes harmfully, please do not have to smoke
3.Some dinosaur have ten elephants' footprints
4.We the footprint which stay behind through them understands them
5.He believed I return help him
6.You tomorrow as far as possible earlier
7.I see him to kneel go begging in the roadside
8.She writes the novel to become famous
第3个回答  2007-08-16
1My uncle is a postman, he is going to deliver tomorrow morning.
2Smoking is harmful to your health, please do not smoke.

5He believes that I will help him
6You must arrive as early as possible
7I saw him kneeling by the street begging.
8She is famous for writing novels.
第4个回答  2007-08-16
1.my uncle is a letter carrier, he will deliver the letters tomorrow morning.
2.Smoking is harmful to health, please don't smoking.
3.some kinds of dinosaur have footprints as big as ten elephants.
4.we know about them though the footprint they leave behind.
5.he belive that I will help him.
6.You come here tomorrow as soon as possible.
7.I find him kneeling roadside for begging.
8.she is known for novel.本回答被提问者采纳