几个问题 口语考试 要用英语回答

1 if you were given two locations between countries, or within a country,which method of transportation would you prefer to take, why?
2 Is environmental protection more important than the economic growth,why?
3 do wornen make better carers of children and house keepers than men, why?
4 Do you agree that the economin problems are just an American problem, why?
5 do you think that if you study more you will learn more,why?
就是这几个问题了 哥哥姐姐帮帮我吧 不用太长 每个问题能说半分钟就行了也就6 7句吧。不要太难的 能把意思表达清楚就行 我英语很差的,单词太生不好记啊 麻烦大家了。(最好带上翻译)

1. If I'm traveling between two countries, I will definitly take a flight, cause I dont think it's easy to take a train between two contries yet. But if traveling within a coutry, train would be my choice. first, it's not expensive; then, I can talk with different kinds of people in the train, which would be a good way to kill time during the long trip; besides, to enjoy good views on the way is also a reason.

2. In my opinion, environmental protection is more imortant than the economic growth. because I believe the final goal of economic growth is enable us to live better. However, none of us would think that it's a good life to live beside a smelly river, or in a world full of tail gas from cars. what's worse, money can not buy nature back.
我认为,保护环境比发展经济更重要。因为我想有一点大家都很清楚,就是发展经济的最终目的是要让我们都能生活的更好。 可是没有人会觉得住在发臭的湖边或是全是汽车尾气的世界里。更糟糕的是,有钱也不能把美好的大自然买回来

3. Generally speaking, women make better carers of children nd house keepers than men. According to the results of some researches, women are more patient and careful than men are. And these two points are very important for taking care of children or clean a house. But some men will also do a job like women, or even better.
一般来说,女人在带孩子和整理房屋方面要比男人强一点。 一些研究结果表明,女人天生要比男人耐心和细心,而这两点对看孩子和整理屋子是很重要的。 但是凡事都有例外,有些男人做的跟女人一样好,甚至更好。

4. No, I dont agree with it. As we all know, there are lots of economic connections between countries these days, American and China, China and European countries, European countries and Ameria, etc.. so if one contry in the connections has an economic problem, other contries will be affected, directly or indirectly. therefore, an economic problem of America will be a problem of the world.
我不同意这个观点。众所周知,现如今国家和国家之间都是有经济联系的。美国和中国,中国和欧洲国家, 欧洲国家和美国, 等等。那么其中一个国家出现经济问题,其他国家都会直接或间接的受到影响。所以说,美国的经济问题是全世界的问题。

5. Of course you will learn more if you study more. I think learning is an inner change.You get to know knowledge that you didn't know, you correct something worng but you believed, they are all examples of you "learn". People don't agree with this truth either are not really studying or think it should be seen by others in some form.

。。。。。终于答完了。半分钟其实很快的 这几句话你语速不要太快的话够了
第1个回答  2008-12-14
1train will be matter,cos it do not a long distance ,not necessary to waste much money ,maybe i take train instead plane ,i will spend this pay for some other things,like a lovely meal

2yep,cos economic just one of the way showing people`s living standard,but enviroment is important for the lifelength of our plant,without it we even could not live .

3,yes,cos the men love his ladies ,offer the best for them

4no,the issue is relate all the countries ,for example China ,suffer form the unemployment as well ,and sth like that

5of course not,cos many chievement men make huge sums of money
第2个回答  2008-12-14
1.I would take a personal plane to get there because I'm rich.
2.No because by the time we're dead it wouldn't matter any way.
3.Yes because men are useless.
4.No because nowadays countries communicate faster and more rapidly than before.
5.No it depends on a person's IQ.
第3个回答  2008-12-15
1 If my destination is reacheable by riding a bicycle, I would, as it is more eco-friendly as compared to cars. if it isnt, i would take public transport to reduce the amount of waste gas produced by private vehicles.

2 yes, it is. by protecting the environment, the earth would not have as many natural disasters which does much harm to us humans. we would also be able to have a better place to live in with less polluted environments. economy growth can happen anytime, but if the environment is unprotected, it will be too late when deadly disasters occur.

3 personally, i feel that women is better at chores such as house keeping as it had been the women's job since way back in history, and men are now mostly busy working, so they do not know how to do things such as housekeeping when they are more mindful of their work. women are also born more gentle, so their personality is more suitable for housekeeping as compared to men.


4 economic problems are not just for the americans. when one of the wealthiest countries meet problems, it will definitely affect the other countries somehow or rather. for example if another country relies on the americans as a source of income, its revenue will be affected.

5 of course the more we study, the more we learn. learning comes from studying.its the source of knowledge.as we study, learning comes naturally. therefore, if we study more, we will surely learn more.

第4个回答  2008-12-14