

College should offer the knowledge of social practice instead of speculative knowledge?标题

Speaking of the function of the school, people usually equal the school to classroom education and lectures. But I think schools are not just about expertise but also about social communication capacity and pracitcal activities.

When I was a high school student, our teacher inquired our class to attend social activity weekly lead by the class leaders. Being very proud, as a class leader, my classmates and I went to the railway station and asked if they need volunteers every weekend. Luckily, they did. So we were there as bus routine guiders every week. Every Saturday or Sunday , I lead four or five of my classmates to the bus stop located in the railyway station. We answered every question from the bus passengers in detail or guided the tourists by the city map. We sat in the classroom Monday to Friday and served the society at the weekend.Most of my classmates cherish the time in our high school for this activities.
Though the social activity for a highschool student can not be such possible, it must be possible for a freshman.In college, every department will establish its own society or cooperation. It can be of literiture, science, or any fitness activity. The college offered us the field and part of the running cost. The students are the leading roles in it. Since there were not so many compulsory courses in college, students have the right to spend their spare time luxuriously on the society activities.They write, they create, they dance, they run. For personal development in all-around way and for interests.
In general, schools are more than courses. They must be. Campus must be paradise for students in classroom and in their part time. They will enjoy taking the books into the academic building and discussing with their friends in the interesting societies.
第1个回答  2008-12-19
For some time, I've been frustrated by the seeming futility of trying to "manage" knowledge. In pursuit of well-managed knowledge many of us have created elaborate systems and databases that require some or all of the following supporting factors: cooperative users, sophisticated search engines, smart profiling tools, and incredibly competent KM professionals who actually understand the substance of the content they are trying to manage. There are few organizations that are fortunate enough to have all these factors in place.

So if you don't work in one of these fortunate organizations, what's the better approach? Knowledge Sharing. This means that we stop trying to gather, classify, distribute or otherwise herd knowledge. Instead we create more opportunities for content creators and content consumers to share knowledge. The current law firm knowledge management fad is to provide this by using web 2.0 tools such as wikis and blogs. (I call this a fad since there has been a lot of talk, but when I last checked very few large US firms could actually claim widespread use of these tools by their lawyers.) Despite the apparent slowness of law firms to adopt these new tools, they do show a great deal of promise for knowledge sharing purposes.

It's worth noting that the rather skimpy wikipedia entry on knowledge sharing rightly points out that technology is not the main issue when it comes to knowledge sharing. Equally important are organizational culture, trust and incentives.