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那个男的, 莫名其妙的走到我面前

问我 要不要跟他跳舞





我也是胳膊90度 搭在他肩上

我们就这样随著音乐的节拍, 左一晃,右一晃

还记得那首歌是 Hotel California

中间的时候, 听到音乐的节拍慢了下来

以为要结束了呢, 想赶快走



, 因为当时disco 声音非常大,

就冲他大喊 “fanny” ... 好丢脸,

快结束时, 整个人都趴在那男的身上了,,

... 是我的头都被晃晕了, 困死了,

这首歌好好听, 记得还是在哥哥快要走的时候常听的,,

跳完了. 他还跟我说谢谢,,


之后独自走在回家的路上, 走得好慢

晚上10点45. 到处都是 黑黑的,

欣赏著这裏的夜景, 好美,好静, 好空, 好凄凉..

看著黑色的天空,, 就一个大大的月亮挂在上面



却跟一个不是自己喜欢的, 连认识都不认识的

趴在他身上就这样晃荡著, 心好痛, 好想哭,




是因为真的好希望第一支舞可以跟“他” 一起跳的


对不起, 我真的还爱著一个不能爱的“他”

In the last dance

那个男的, 莫名其妙的走到我面前
a boy came to me indescribably

问我 要不要跟他跳舞
and asked me whether I can dance with him

I was so hesitating

but finally I was afraid to refuse him

so I said yes.

he put his hand on my waist, i felt so weird

我也是胳膊90度 搭在他肩上
and I put my arm on his shoulder

我们就这样随著音乐的节拍, 左一晃,右一晃
then we were just shaking around with the music's beats

还记得那首歌是 Hotel California
I still remember the song named Hotel California

中间的时候, 听到音乐的节拍慢了下来
during the middle, I heard the beats of music was slow down

以为要结束了呢, 想赶快走
and I planed to go because I thought it's over,

how sad, the singer started again...

after a while, that boy asked what my name is

, 因为当时disco 声音非常大,
in that moment, the Disco was so loud

就冲他大喊 “fanny” ... 好丢脸,
so I was yelling to him "fanny"....ah, that was so embarrassing

快结束时, 整个人都趴在那男的身上了,,
when it was getting over, I almost put my body on him

... 是我的头都被晃晕了, 困死了,
...because my head was fainted around, and felt sleepy

这首歌好好听, 记得还是在哥哥快要走的时候常听的,,
the song was very enjoyable, and I used to play around when brother was leaving

跳完了. 他还跟我说谢谢,,
In the end, the boy thanked me

oh,my leg was impotence, how tried!

之后独自走在回家的路上, 走得好慢
That night, in the way home, i was alone to getting back, walked slowly

晚上10点45. 到处都是 黑黑的,
22:45, everywhere was balck

欣赏著这裏的夜景, 好美,好静, 好空, 好凄凉..
I looked at the sky, pretty, peace, but too width without anything, how loneliness```

看著黑色的天空,, 就一个大大的月亮挂在上面
watching the black sky, there was a very very big moon on there

I thought that boy should sorry for me,

he even don't know that was my first dance...

却跟一个不是自己喜欢的, 连认识都不认识的
but with the one I didn't like and even known yet

趴在他身上就这样晃荡著, 心好痛, 好想哭,
shaking with him, the inside of me was feeling so bad and wanna try

why? why the people hugging me now was not "him"?

以前总是看著大家搂搂抱抱的在那裏跳舞 而我都不跳
I used to watching people's closure dance, and I never get into it

是因为真的好希望第一支舞可以跟“他” 一起跳的
because i was hope the person who share my first dance will be "him"

unfortunate, "he" never be there..

对不起, 我真的还爱著一个不能爱的“他”
sorry, I still fall in love with "him" who is the one not allowed me to love
第1个回答  2008-12-14
第2个回答  2008-12-14
第3个回答  2008-12-14
In a final dance,

The man, walked up to me and inexplicable

Or asked me to dance with him

At that time, good hesitation

Can finally dare to refuse,


He was, and, hand on my waist, and too that the ..

I am also a 90-degree arm up on his shoulders

With the music so we beat the left in a flash, the flash right

Also remember that song was Hotel California

In the middle, to hear the beat of the music slowed down

That is about to end, would like to go as soon as possible

Who knows lead singer began to sing,,,,

That way, I asked the man's name

Because it was very disco sounds,

He shouted on the red "fanny" ... a disgrace to good,

Towards the end, the whole people to lie on that man's body, and,

... I have been the first halo Huang, a dire strait,

This is a good song to listen to or remember in the older brother always going to take time, and,

The Tiaowan. He told me that, thank you,

I have a soft jump legs.

After walking alone in the way home, a good go slow

22:45. Everywhere black,

Enjoy the night here, so the United States, quiet good, good air, so bleak ..

See the black sky, a big moon Guazaishangmian

I thought that the man told me the truth I am sorry,

That is, after all, my first dance ah ,,,,,,,

But not one with your favorite, do not know even know

Laid on him on this rock, Hao Tong Xin, a good cry,

Why am I not this man's arms around ""he"

We are always looking at the past two? Where the dance

I do not jump,

Because the first really good hope that the dance can be with "him" jump together with the

But "he" in no ..

I am sorry, I really can not love a love "he"
第4个回答  2008-12-14
有些意思不明白, 还有有些翻译出来怪怪的或没有必要, 我就去除了.

太那个了 --- 太大胆? 突如其来? 不识抬举? 莫名其妙?
在哥哥快要走的时候 --离开舞厅? 还是去世?
好空 -- 天空没有东西? 还是天空景色美?

In the last dance,
the man walked towards me,
and asked me to dance with him.
I hesitated,
but dare not refuse,
and I accepted his invitation.

He put his hands around my waist,
and I put my arm around his shoulder,
We dance on the beat of music.
Till now I still remember the song, Hotel California

The beat of music slow down while we were dancing,
I thought it is about to end, and I would like to leave as soon as possible.
Who knows? The song began to rise again.

In the meantime, the man asked me my name,
because the loud music,
I yelling at the top of my voice, "Fanny!" It was embarassing.

Towards the end, I laid over his body,
and I am going to faint,
I still remember my brother always listen to Hotel California, and it is a great song.

He thanks me for being his dancing partner,
my legs exhausted.

After all, I slowly creeping on my way home, alone.
It is 10.45pm, and the surrounding falls in darkness.
I enjoying the night sky, the night is beautiful, peace and the atmosphere is miserable.
Looking up in the sky, big moon on the rise.
I was hoping the man would apologize.
That was my first dance,
but my partner is a stranger and a man whom I dislike.
It was painful and I want to cry,
I wonder why the person is not my beloved.
I used to watch people dance
but I never get into it,
Because I look forward to dance with "him".
However, he will never be there.

I am sorry, I fall in love with a person whom I can't.