

In the trend of trade liberalization, governments increasingly used by the loss of tariff barriers, while many countries were anti-dumping to protect its domestic industry as a weapon. History and reality show: At present, China has become the largest international anti-dumping victims. Chinese enterprises must take pro-active strategy to address the growing problem of foreign anti-dumping. Therefore the development of foreign direct investment in order to circumvent anti-dumping has become a business imperative of our choice.
The purpose of this study is the adoption of anti-dumping on China's foreign direct investment, the impact of the empirical analysis to understand the existence of China to circumvent anti-dumping of foreign direct investment, based on empirical results and suggestions. In this study, empirical analysis and normative analysis. In the empirical analysis, this study was based on the premise of the theory, put forward the assumption that, and then refer to the relevant research results at home and abroad, building a suitable model, select the appropriate samples for testing hypotheses. In the analysis of the normative part of this study with China on foreign anti-dumping, as well as foreign direct investment in China's history and current situation of the qualitative analysis, based on the results of empirical research and put forward the promotion and improvement of China's foreign direct investment strategies of the proposal.
第1个回答  2008-12-13
Abstract:With the integration of world,s company and trade,tariff barriers are no longer as effective as they were before. Antidumping,as a new form of protection measures is thus used by most countries who want to protect domestic market. China has suffered most in the current antidumping war. And Chinese enterprises have to respond to more and more antidumping charges from other countries. Therefore FDI becomes an effective and necessary way for Chinese enterprises to avoid antidumping.
This study intends to examine the effect of antidumping on foreign direct investment from China (chinaFDI) in manufacturing and service industries. Besides antidumping,we also consider other economic factors that determine the scale and location of Chinese foreign direct investment, witch are trade relations, host-Country market scale,wage level and exchange rate. A pooled cross-section time-series annual data set covering 20 destination countries for 2003,2004 and 2005 is used. The pooled regression using panel data are conducted. Results suggest that exchange rate is not significant determinants of FDI. Controlling for market size, trade relations and labor costs, investment was significant influenced by cumulated antidumping initiations, and the influence is negative. While the level of exports from the home-country to the hose-country is a positive and significant determinant of FDI. Finally, the host-country market scale and wage level of host-country are positive and significant determinants of FDI.

Key words: antidumping; foreign direct investment; Panel Data
