
1.sth happen to sb. 造句,带翻译。2.sb happen to do. 造句,带翻译。3.everywhere. 造句,带翻译。4.anywhere. 造句,带翻译。

1.I had a most extraordinary thing happen to me yesterday.我昨天经历了一件有着非凡意义的事情。2.In fact, it would be a miracle if some death premonition dreams did not happen to come true!事实上,如果出现死亡预兆的梦完全没有成真,才是一项奇迹呢!3.There were Chinese people everywhere.那里到处都是中国人。4.I know that you can buy cell phones anywhere.我知道你可以在任何地方买手机。
第1个回答  2013-12-13
1.Unluckily, a car accident happened to him.不幸的是,他发生了车祸。2.I happened to meet him there.我碰巧在那儿遇见了他。3.Look!There is water everywhere. 看!到处都有水。4.I can't find my pen anywhere.我到处都找不到我的笔。