all together什么意思


all together是一起、全体都在的意思。

all together相关例句:

1、Can you put your books all together in this box?你能把你的书都放进这个箱子里吗?

2、I tie it all together with a simple controller in Play and a route definition.我使用Play中的一个简单控制器和一个路由定义将其绑定到一起。

3、Examples: We put the pots and pans all together on the shelf.我们把所有炊具都放在了架子上。

4、Let's sing 'Happy Birthday'. All together now!咱们来唱“生日快乐”。现在一起唱!

5、Put it all together and you've got a bass of unequalled performance, comfort and flexibility.综上所述,您就有一个无与伦比的性能,舒适性和灵活性的低音。

6、Put it all together and you have Elvis: someone we all know, love and fantasize about.放在一起,你必须猫王:某人我们都知道,爱情和幻想。

7、The lemmings leave their nests all together at the same time, forming huge crowds.旅鼠在同一时间倾巢而出,形成了庞大的鼠群。

8、Did she sleep with them all together at one time?她一次性跟他们同床吗?
