

"What's the usage?" in English is: What's the usage? Vocabulary analysis: 1. What pronunciation: British [wɒt] American [hwɒt; hwɑt] Definition: 1. pron. what; how much; how many 2. adj. what; how much; how many 3. adv. to what extent; in what respect 4. int. what; how much Phrases: 1. but what: except 2. what to do: what should be done 3. what time: at what time 2. Usage pronunciation: British ['juːsɪdʒ] American ['jusɪdʒ] Definition: n. use; usage; convention; customary usage; degree of utilization; usage time Phrases: 1. long term usage: long-term use 2. usage time: time of use; communication transmission time 3. usage period: period of use Additional information on the use of "what": 1. When "what" is used as an interrogative pronoun, its basic meaning is "what, something, what thing," and it is a marker of a special interrogative sentence. 2. When "what" is used as a relative pronoun, it means "the thing (s) that..." It can be used to introduce subject clauses, predicate clauses, object clauses, or appositive clauses. When it introduces a subject clause, the noun it refers to must be singular. When the subject is singular, the predicate verb is generally singular, but sometimes because there is a plural noun after the predicate verb, the predicate verb can also be plural. 3. When "what" introduces an object clause, it is often placed after the predicate, and when used as a predicate, it is placed after the linking verb. "What" can also introduce concessive adverbial clauses, meaning "no matter..." It can also be followed by a verb infinitive phrase. 4. Sometimes "what" can be interpreted as "whatever," meaning "no matter how." I gave him whatever help I could. I gave him whatever help I could.