What is the theme in " Thank You, M'am"?

The author is Langston Hughes.
I want the theme in the story, not the summary,


兰斯顿·休斯出生于美国密苏里州乔普林,高中时就喜爱上了写诗,曾就读于哥伦比亚大学,但不久即辍学游历。他当过水手、传者、杂工,其间并没有中断诗歌创作。1924年他来到纽约黑人聚居区哈莱姆,并在这儿出版了他的第一部诗集《萎靡的布鲁斯》(1926)。作为一名左翼作家,他以诗歌为武器,不断地为争取黑人劳动者的利益而斗争,他还曾访问过苏联和中国,并称见过鲁迅先生。他的作品在二战期间日趋激进,并曾因此受到传讯,他后期作品风格趋于缓和。成名后,休斯始终没有离开哈莱姆,他十分注重向黑人民歌汲取营养,在诗歌中引入了爵士民谣的形式和节奏,格调清新,而内容则紧密联系美国底层黑人的生活,表现出鲜明的现实主义精神,对美国诗歌的发展产生了积极而深远的影响。休斯的主要诗集有《犹太人的好衣服》(1927)、《梦乡人》(1932)、《哈莱姆的莎士比亚》(1942)、《单程票》(1949)。此外,他还作有长篇小说个片非没有笑》(1930),短篇小说集《白人的行径》(1934),幽默小品 “辛波尔”系列,自传《茫茫大海》(19ed)和《我漂泊,我彷徨》(1956),戏剧,译诗等。
第1个回答  2008-11-21
This story was about a young boy who had walked the streets and had tried to snatch this woman's purse. When he tried to snatch her purse,she realized that he needed his face to be washed. She took the boy to her home and gave him a facecloth so he could wash his face. Realizing this, the young boy was asked his name and he told Mrs.Washington his name: Roger. He told her that all he wanted was a pair of blue suede shoes. Mrs.Washington told him that to get a pair of shoes he should not have to steal anybodies Poketbook to get what they want.
第2个回答  2008-11-21
“Thank You , M'am "的主题是什么?