


A good teacher is like a shining star to students. Miss Li, my English teacher in high school, is a shining star in my life.


When I first entered high school, I learned English with great difficulty. I dare not speak English in public, because my pronunciation and intonation are poor, my English scores are poor, and my grammar is a mess.


Afraid of being laughed at, I never raise my hand to answer questions in English class. After discovering my situation, Miss Li extended a helping hand to me and encouraged me.


All this made me improve my English quickly. With her help, I gradually became interested in English and my grades improved.


Miss Li, just like a shining star shining on my way forward.


第1个回答  推荐于2019-11-01

《The biggest influence on me》


The biggest influence on me

——My Father

Everyone around me says my father and I are alike and have the similar personality.It's true that I have much in common with my father,for I have been greatly influenced by him in my life.

I have been working very hard at my study,which is due to my my father's dilligence.When I was in my childhood,my family was poor.In order to raise the family,father worked very hard.He went to the town  to work by bike every morning and then came back home very late at night.It was common that I had not seen him for long,for every morning before I  got up and went to school,he had left home,and before he returned home from work in the evening I had fallen asleep.I was quite confused that we lived in the same family every day but it was too difficult for us to meet.He was just like a stranger.It was not until that cold day did I understand all.

One moring in a winter,I was very cold.I got up early as usual.When I passed my parents' bedroom,to my surprise,I found father lying in bed,trembling.A bad feeling occured to me.I stepped into the room and asked,“Dad,are you OK?”Hearing that,father turned around and opened his eye with difficulty,“Nothing serious,boy.Just a cold.”“I overslept,and will be late for work.”Father tried to rise and put on clothes quickly.“No,dad.You are ill and should stay at home.”“Good boy,I know but I have to.If I am absent from work today,I won't get paid,and we won't have enough money for your schooling and our life.”Father said,“Boy,we are men who should support the family.You should study hard now and work hard in the future.”What moving words!From that moment I knew why he kept getting so early and returning home so late.I keep the words in mind and do what father told me.

Father always offered his love and care to others,which had great influence on me.Father was also honest,who is my idol.Besides,father never gave up anytime,which told  me to be strong,when facing difficulties.

I love my father,a man who has had greatest influence on me in my life.









第2个回答  2019-03-10
第3个回答  2017-12-10

    I believe that there must be some teachers who left you a deep impression in your life.

    Of course,there has been a teacher in my life who left me a deep impression.

    That was my English teacher in my university,Miss Xu.She had a long blonde hair and beautiful eyes.

    She was a kind teacher and worked hard.She was far from the school so she had to catch the early bus everyday!

    How exhausted.She had not only critic our English homework and take care of her baby.I wasn't intersted in English at than time.She told me to talk in English as much as possible.She asked me not to be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.But she always forgot small things,like her glasses and money!
