

第1个回答  2022-11-10
Military training .

[词典] military training(especially for reservists and draftees);


They made several night marches during Army training.
如果是称呼的话 SIR 或者MASTER 就可以了

如果是英语名词的话 应该是drillmaster或者是nstructor啦

mon Orders

起床! Get up!

上操 attention drill

快点儿! Be quick!

*** ! Fall in!

一(二)列队 On one rank (two ranks)

立正! Attention

稍息! At ease!

向右看-齐! Right-dress!

向左看-齐! Left-dress!

向前-看! Eyes- front!

报数! Count off!

点名! Call the roll!roll call

到! Here!

立定! Halt!

靠拢! Close!

向左-转! Left-face(Left turn)!

向右-转! Right-face(Right turn)!

向后-转! About-face(About turn)!

齐步-走! Forward- march(March off)!

踏步! Mark time-march!

跑步-走! Double (time)-march!

便步-走! At ease-march!

右转弯-走! Right-wheel!

左转弯-走! Left-wheel!

前进! Advance!

取(拿)枪! Take arms!

肩枪! Shoulder arms!

枪放下! Order arms!

卧到! Down!

装子弹! Load!

退子弹! Unload!

射击! Fire!

起立! Get up (Stand up)!

解散! Di *** iss!

用炮 Prepare for action!

收炮 March order!

架炮 Seat/Mount gun!

置炮 Lay gun!

就炮 Take posts!

炮后 *** Fall in in rear of piece!



1. Squad – Fall in


2. Attention


3. Stand at – ease


4. Stand easy


5. Dressing in three ranks – right dress


6. Eyes – front


7. Open Order – March


8. Close Order – March


9. Move to the right in threes – Right turn


10. Move to the left in threes – Left turn


11. Move to the right – Right t......
教官 军训 用英文怎么说?
教官drillmaster 纠马斯特 军训military training 谬特吕 吹宁 …………………… 这个汉字说明好雷,看音标就会读了。
take part in military training