

大家好,我的名字叫jim green ,今年12岁了,我来自澳大利亚,很高兴在这里能和大家认识,我最喜欢的科目是物理课,周末的时候我会和我的朋友们一起去踢足球,足球是我最喜欢的运动,我有一个哥哥和一个妹妹,欢迎大家来我家做客.
Hello,everybody,my name is Jim Green,I'm 12years old,I'm from Australia,It's my preasure to meet you in here ,my favorite subject is physics ,In weekends I usually playfootball with my fridnds ,football is my favorite sport,I havea brother and a sister,welcome to my house.thank you!
第1个回答  2016-09-09
Beijing: The capital of China

People talk about Beijing, they always think about the Tian'an men square and our Great Wall.One of the famous places is Tian'an men square, at the central of beijing city, is where our five-starred red flag(五星红旗)rises every morning. Another place of interst is the Great Wall. As one of the eight wonders(8大奇迹之一)in the world, it attracts(吸引) thousands of foreign visitors to come to appreciate its magnificence(雄伟)and beauty.