
hear of和hear about的区别

hear \x0d\x0a\x0d\x0avt. \x0d\x0a1. 听见;听[W][O3][O4][O7] \x0d\x0aI heard him say so. \x0d\x0a我听到他这么说过。 \x0d\x0aI can hear someone knocking. \x0d\x0a我听到有人敲门。 \x0d\x0a2. 听说,得知[W][+(that)][(+about/of)] \x0d\x0aI heard that he was ill. \x0d\x0a我听说他病了。 \x0d\x0a3. 注意听,听取 \x0d\x0aWe'll be glad to hear your opinion of them. \x0d\x0a我们将乐于听取你对他们的看法。 \x0d\x0a4. 审理;听(证人)陈述 \x0d\x0aA woman judge heard the case. \x0d\x0a一位女法官审理了这一案件。 \x0d\x0avi. \x0d\x0a1. 听得见;听 \x0d\x0aI can't hear very well. \x0d\x0a我听不太清楚。\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a不可用将来时,\x0d\x0aheard hear的过去式(分词)\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aheard from 和heard of 或heard that\x0d\x0a如He ran away as a boy thirty years ago, and his family has never heard from him since. \x0d\x0a\x0d\x0aI have never heard of him.
第1个回答  2008-10-31
1、hear about为具体表达
I have never heard about such a man.

2、hear of为抽象表达,多表过去.
you broke the instrument and you will hear of it.
第2个回答  2008-10-31
hear of---听说...

hear about --听到关于。。。

Have you heard of the story ?你听说过这个故事吗?

Have you heard about Bobby ?你听说过关于BObby的情况吗?

I want to hear about your family .我想听听关于你家的情况。
第3个回答  2008-10-31
hear of听到,加具体内容
hear about听到关于什么的动词加模糊的大概
第4个回答  2008-10-31
都是听说 没有什么区别吧`~