


2007: two thousand and seven

1987: one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven

1804: one thousand eight hundred and four

2013: two thousand and thirteen

568: five hundred and sixty-eight

1056: one thousand and fifty-six

56: fifty-six

478: four hundred and seventy-eight

1032: one thousand and thirty-two

289504: two hundred and eighty-nine thousand five hundred and four

72000000: seventy-two million

2300000000: two billion and three hundred million



1. 百位与十位之间要加 and;十万位和万位之间, 亿位和千万位之间通常也要加and。

2. 英语用千、百万等单位计数, 大数字从右向左看, 每隔三位划一逗号, 第一个逗号用 thousand, 第二个逗号用 million, 第三个逗号用 billion

3. 如 103,1002,2008 这样的数字,中间的0要读作 and,

103:one hundred and three

1,002: one thousand and two

2,008: two thousand and eight

4. hundred、thousand、 million 作数词,记录准确数字时, 不用复数, 前面可以加上 one, two, …等其它数词。用作名词时复数表示“成…上…”,后面必须要有 of, 前面可以有 some, many, several 等词。

参考资料: 百度百科-英语语法

第1个回答  2023-11-13
shù zì
(表示数目的文字; 表示数目的符号) figure; digit; numeral; character; numeric character:
阿拉伯数字 Arabic numerals
二进或十进制数字 binary or decimal digit
括号内的数字 the figures between brackets
数字概念强 have a head for figure
天文数字 astronomical figures
(数量) quantity; amount:
不要单纯追求数字。 Don't just go after quantity.