
来自世界各地的 100名中学生参加2 来自世界各国的30多名英语专家3必须用英语交流4举办英语辩论赛,英语演讲比赛,举办英语晚会,参观加拿大景点5感受开头已给出 As a lucky student,I attended

As a lucky student, I attended the 1998 NESCMSS held in the beautiful seaside city of Yantai from July 25 to 30, which was sponsored by the English Coaching Paper Office. Over 100 students all over the country and 30 English teaching experts from home and abroad took part in the activity. All the campers were required to speak English. During the four days, a series of English activities were held including the Second National English Debate for Middle School Students and the Third National English Speech Competition for Middle School Students. We also visited some places of interest. A colourful English evening was held on July 29. The camp provided us with a valuable opportunity to speak English, make friends and exchange learning experience. I found my English much improved at the end of the camp. Never in my life shall I forget the impressive days in Yantai.
