awake 的用法

特别是awake to的用法的说明
那“I awoke to the sound of birds chirruping."什么意思,句中的awake to 又是什么意思

一、awake 用作动词,用于本义,表示“醒来”、“唤醒”,可以是及物或不及物动词,但用于引申义,表示“认识到”、“意识到”时,总是不及物动词,若要后接宾语,总是用介词 to。例如:
The noise of the explosion awoke me. (本义:吵醒)
I slowly awoke to the danger that threatened me. (引申义:意识到)

1. 醒着的(尤指刚要睡觉和刚睡完觉)(not asleep, esp immediately before and after sleeping)

(1) 作表语。例如:
They aren’t awake yet. 他们还没醒呢。
Are the children still awake? 孩子们还没睡着吗?
They’re wide (ie fully) awake. 他们精神着呢(毫无睡意)。

(2) 作宾语补足语 例如:
The noise was keeping everyone awake. 喧闹声吵得大家都睡不着。

(3) 作后置定语 例如:
He was the only person awake at the moment. 他是那时唯一醒着的人。

2. 对某事物觉察到的;意识到的;警觉的 (conscious or aware of sth )
Are you fully awake to the danger you’re in? 你充分意识到自己所处的危险了吗?


1. 醒着的
(1) fully / thoroughly / scarcely / wide awake。例如:
By now, the baby was wide awake. 现在孩子还完全醒着。

(2) hardly / barely / only half awake 例如:
It was very early and I was only half awake. 天很早,我半睡半醒。

(3) still awake。例如:
The children were still awake when we went out.,我们走了出去时,孩子们还醒着。

(4) be / lie awake。 例如:
He lay awake in his bed. 他醒着躺在床上。

(5) come / jerk awake。例如:
Claudia came awake slowly. 克劳迪亚慢慢醒了。
Stephen jerked awake from a nightmare. 斯蒂芬猛地从噩梦醒来。

(6) keep / remain / stay awake。 例如:
He was struggling to stay awake. 他努力保持清醒。

(7) jerk / jolt / nudge / shake sb awake。例如:
A few hours later Benjamin shook me awake. 几个小时后本杰明把我晃醒。

(8) keep sb awake。例如:
The noise had kept her awake. 噪音使她睡不着。

2. 意识到的
awake to 例如:
We must awake to our responsibilities. 我们一定要认识到自己的职责。
We are fully awake to the dangers of the situation. 我们充分意识到局势的危险。
第1个回答  2010-07-30
awake to
vt. 意识(察觉,醒悟,领会)

1.A pilot must be awake to the changes in the weather.

2.It's time you awake to the realities of the situation.

I awoke to the sound of birds chirruping
awoke to (这里可解释为惊醒本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-07-30
be awake~