


首先,让我们从最基础的打招呼开始:Hello, how are you? 或者轻松一点,用 Hi! 问候对方。如果你需要确认,Are you sure about that? 是表达疑惑的好方式。对于购物场景,Can I help you with something? 和询问选择 Blue one, right? 都必不可少。

接下来,价格、地点信息也能流畅沟通:Price is 59 Yuan,问路时用上 Cinema? The teachers' office is on this side,银行信息 Bank: China Bank branch,指路时说 This way, please。询问他人意见,Ask him for his opinion,时间点 Time for... 也能让你从容应对。

视觉和行动指令也得掌握:Look at this beautiful red flowersGet him to help,物品和人物观察 Bag and clothes, his coat,出行时 Let's go,邀请伙伴 Let's do this。在描述喜好时,Beautiful, lovely, and great 会让你的赞美更具吸引力。

当遇到听不清或需要重复时,Pardon? 是你的救星。询问详情时,Tell me more,确认信息 See if I understand correctly。至于家庭成员,Who are they? 是开启对话的钥匙。

询问基本信息也得熟练:Name and English nameAge and gradePlace of origin,以及 Are you from Beijing?。学校相关话题,School name and how you feel 很重要。关心他人健康,How are you feeling today?How long have you been learning English?

家庭成员和职业,Father's name, family members, and occupation,都是增进理解的好话题。至于个人喜好,What's your favorite animal, color, or food?What you don't like,让对话更贴近生活。

体育和娱乐活动也不容忽视:Do you enjoy playing soccer?Are you a fan of Yao Ming?,还有其他运动爱好。对于阅读和电视,Do you like reading and watching TV? 展示你的兴趣爱好。

未来的目标和梦想,What's your aspiration?What job would you like to do? 表达你的职业理想。而财富与选择,If you were a millionaire, what would you buy? 让话题更有趣。

最后,对于生活细节的热爱,《strong>Do you enjoy cars?,What's your favorite car color?,以及 Bananas, a daily habit?。了解他人职业,Mom's profession,天气喜好 Sunny or rainy, why?,季节与活动 Swimming in summer,生活琐事 TV-watching preferences,让对话充满生活的气息。

