


Philosophy 作名词时意思是“哲学;哲理;人生观”。

释义:n. 哲学;哲学体系;思想体系;人生哲学;生活的信条(或态度)。


1、The study of philosophy allows us to explore profound questions about the nature of existence。(哲学的研究使我们能够探索有关存在本质的深刻问题。)

2、Eastern philosophy, such as Buddhism and Taoism, emphasizes achieving inner peace and harmony。(东方哲学,如佛教和道教,强调实现内心的平静与和谐。)

3、He has a deep interest in philosophy and often engages in philosophical debates with his friends。(他对哲学有浓厚的兴趣,经常与朋友进行哲学辩论。)

4、The philosophy of science explores the fundamental assumptions, methods, and limitations of scientific inquiry。(科学哲学探讨科学探究的基本假设、方法和局限性。)

5、Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that advocates living in accordance with nature and developing inner strength。(斯多葛学派是一种古代哲学,主张按照自然生活并培养内在的力量。)


1、Metaphysics (形而上学): the branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of reality and existence。(形而上学:研究现实和存在的基本本质的哲学分支。)2、Ethics (伦理学): the branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles and values。(伦理学:研究道德原则和价值观的哲学分支。)

3、Epistemology (认识论): the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of knowledge and belief。(认识论:研究知识和信念的本质的哲学分支。)

4、Logic (逻辑学): the branch of philosophy that studies reasoning and argumentation。(逻辑学:研究推理和论证的哲学分支。)

5、Existentialism (存在主义): a philosophical movement that emphasizes individual existence, freedom, and responsibility。(存在主义:强调个体存在、自由和责任的哲学运动。)
