
谁能帮我人工翻译这篇文章,翻译成英语,英文,谢谢您有些事,看透,别说透  别因为遭遇过背叛,就把自己变得腹黑。坚持善良,才会吸引来更多人善待你。  一个人只要想法愿意改变,事情就有转机,改变的意念会愈强,胜算就愈大。一个人如果心态开放,保持好奇,破除成见,不断进修,求新求变,将会使视野开阔,那么也就会拥有创意人生。  无论做事,还是爱人,需要执着,无须执拗。你付出的,别人未必想要;你努力的,并非尽如人意。方向对了,哪怕路远,也能抵达;如果南辕北辙,期望便似竹篮打水。我们不要自以为是,别做一厢情愿的傻子,要多些换位思考,顾及他人的感受。不是所有等待的尽头,都有梦想;只有真正的懂得,才会天遂人愿。  有些事,看透,别说透。  人生总要有所目标,有所其知道自己为什么而努力,为什么而拼搏,其实结果不重要,重要的是过程,世上没有侥幸的成功,只有加倍的努力、每一发奋努力的背后,都必有加倍的赏赐。  生命很有限,无须太多人。世间看似熙攘,其实喧嚣在身外,没几个人有关联。我们的幻觉是,自己不可或缺,总在那自以为是。这不过是一厢情愿罢了,地球离开谁都转,每个人都在谋求生存。孤单与狂欢,如花开草长,上演着命运的开启或谢幕。弥足珍贵的,是那些静默的陪伴,深谙你的内心,方是你的至爱。  眼泪是当你无法用嘴来解释你的心碎的时候,用眼睛表达情绪的唯一方式。  机会对于任何人都是公平的,它在我们身边的时候,不是打扮的得花枝招展,而是普普通通,根本就不起眼。看起来耀眼的机会很多时候都不是机会,也许是陷阱;真正的机会最初都是朴素的,只有经过主动的捕捉与勤奋的努力,它才会变得格外绚烂。机会,从来都是留给有准备的你!  只要你奔跑,这个世界就会跟着你奔跑,只要你停驻,这个世界就会舍弃你独自奔跑。唯有你确定一个方向,使劲的跑起来,这个世界会为你而让路,你需要动起来,让风都在你背后。

第1个回答  2018-09-24


第2个回答  2018-11-13
Thank you for something, see through it, don't tell me don't make yourself black just because you've been betrayed. You will attract more people to be kind to you if you insist on being kind. As long as one's thoughts are willing to change, things will change. If one keeps an open mind, keeps curious, breaks through stereotypes, keeps learning, and seeks new things and changes, one will have a broad vision, and then one will have a creative life. Whatever you do or love, you need to be persistent and not stubborn. What you give, others do not want; What you are trying to do is not what you want. If you are in the right direction, you can get there even if you are far away.追答

If the opposite is true, the expectation is like a bamboo basket. We should not be self-righteous, do not be a wishful fool, more empathy, take care of the feelings of others. Not all the waiting end, all have a dream; Only when you truly understand, will heaven and earth be satisfied. Some things, see through, don't tell. In fact, the result is not important. What matters is the process. There is no fortunate success in the world. Life is too limited for too many people. The world seems bustling, in fact the hustle and bustle outside, few people have a connection. Our illusion is that we are indispensable and always there. It's just wishful thinking. The earth goes away and everyone goes around. Lonely and revelry, such as flowers and grass long, staged the opening or curtain of fate. What is precious is the silent company, the deep understanding of your heart, is your beloved. Tears are the only way to express emotion with your eyes when you can't use your mouth to explain your broken heart. Opportunity is fair to everyone. It's not all glamorous around us, it's just plain ordinary. Opportunities that seem glaring are often not opportunities, perhaps traps; Real opportunities are initially simple, only through active capture and diligent efforts, it will become particularly gorgeous. Opportunities are always reserved for you who are prepared! As long as you run, the world will run with you, as long as you stop, the world will abandon you to run alone. Only if you set a direction and run hard, the world will give way to you, you need to move, let the wind behind you.

第3个回答  2018-09-29
您好 欢迎采纳
Some things, see through, do not say through because of the betrayal, do not become black. Persisting on kindness will attract more people to treat you well. As long as a person's thoughts are willing to change, things will change. The stronger the idea of change, the greater the odds. If a person is open to mind, remains curious, breaks down stereotypes, continues to study, and seeks new changes, he will broaden his horizons, and he will have a creative life. No matter what you do or love, you need to be persistent and not stubborn. What you give, others may not want; You tried, not as well as you should have. In the right direction, even if the road is far away, it can reach; If the South is the other way round, the expectation will be like a bamboo basket. Let's not be self-righteous. Don't be a wishful thinking fool. Let's think differently and take into account the feelings of others. Not all the waiting ends, have dreams; Only if you really know how to do it, can you make it happen. Some things, see through, don't talk through. In life, we must have goals, we must have goals, we must know why we work hard, and we must strive for why. In fact, the results do not matter. What matters is the process. There is no fluke in the world, only the effort to redouble, behind every strenuous effort. All shall have a double reward. Life is very limited and there are not many people. The world seems to be bustling, in fact, outside the hustle and bustle, few people have a connection. Our illusion is that we are indispensable, always in that self-righteous. This is just wishful thinking. The earth moves from person to person. Everyone is trying to survive. Lonely and orgy, such as flowers open the grass long, staged the fate of the opening or curtain call. What is precious is the company of those who are silent, who know your heart and who are your most loved ones. Tears are the only way to express your emotions with your eyes when you can't explain your heartbreak with your mouth. Opportunity is fair to everyone. When it is around us, it is not dressed up, but ordinary, and it is simply not important. The opportunity to look dazzling is often not an opportunity, perhaps a trap; Real opportunities are simple at first, and only through active capture and hard work will they become exceptionally brilliant. Opportunities are always reserved for you who are prepared! As long as you run, the world will run with you. As long as you stay, the world will abandon you and run alone. Only if you set a direction and run hard, the world will make way for you. You need to move and keep the wind behind you.
第4个回答  2018-09-26
Some matters which you can see through should not be out of your mouth. Don’t become mean even if you were betrayed. For Keeping friendly draws more people to treat you with kindness. As long as one is willing to change, things will turn out bright. The stronger the willingness to change, the larger the possibility to make success. If one is open-minded, stay curious, shatter bias, make consistent improvements, and pursue changes, his horizon will be broaden, which leads him to have a creative life. Whether you work or love others, be patient but not stubborn. Your efforts might not be concerned by others and the result might not be as good as you have expected. When the direction is right, no matter how far it is, the destination will finally be reached; if the direction is the opposite, the expectation upon the destination will turn out to be just a dream. We shouldn’t be conceited. Don’t be a fool of self-illusion but put yourself in others’ shoes and consider others’ feelings.
第5个回答  2018-09-25
