

1-5 CBABC 6-10 CBBCC
11-15 AACAA 16-20 BAABB
21-25 DCCBB 26-30 CDBDC
31-35 BDCDB 36-40 CEBFD
41-45 CDBBA 46-50 DCDCC
51-55 DBDCB 56-60 DBCBC
61. the 62. it
63. walking 64. obviously
65. eating 66. rolling
67. photos 68. what
69. helpful 70. are needed
71. ... and I thought ... thought → think
72. How do I ... How → Why
73. It has anything ... anything → something
74. ... I've read recent. recent → recently
75. ... drop out school ... out后加of
76. ... to get marry. marry → married或去掉get
77. ... was really shocking ... shocking → shocked
78. ... very sorry to ... to → for
79. ... we don't have ... we → I
80. ... to face with ... 去掉with
One possible version:
Asthe saying goes, water is the source of life. Hardly can we imagine livingwithout water even for a day. Not only do we drink water, but we use it to doall kinds of things, such as taking showers, washing clothes, watering treesand flowers, etc.
Toprotect our water resources, we must take some specific measures to save water.For example, we can use less water by taking shorter showers. And we shouldstop the water running immediately after each use.
Keepin mind that saving water can make a great difference. Let's do it now.

21. D。细节理解题。由Outlook for Saturday to Monday部分中的Rain across central parts on Saturday will ease and move northwards可知,4月2日星期六北部地区将会有雨。
22. C。推理判断题。由UK outlook for Tuesday 5 Apr to Wednesday 13 Apr部分中的A generally unsettled picture... the majority of the UK和The week after next ... rain crossing the UK可知,4月5日到13日英国主要以雨天为主。
23. C。细节理解题。由末段中的However, some longer drier spells are also likely, particularly innorthwestern areas可知,英国四月下半月西北部地区可能少雨。
24. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的These were made famous by Lord Byron, “I stood in Venice on the Bridge of Sighs, a palace and prison oneach hand.”可知,作者引用诗人拜伦的诗句,意在说明这两处景点为什么会闻名于世。
25. B。细节理解题。由第五段中的Art lovers should buy a museum pass and visit some of the city'sexceptional museums可知,艺术爱好者可购票参观威尼斯的博物馆。
26. C。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的Murano has been home to glass-makers和Only glassworks made using traditional methods on Murano can becalled Murano Glass可知,慕拉诺岛以盛产传统工艺玻璃制品而闻名遐迩。
27. D。主旨大意题。全文主要介绍了水城威尼斯的概况及其名胜古迹。
28. B。推理判断题。由第一段中的considered one of the models “unhealthily thin”可知,广告被禁止是因为照片中的模特看起来瘦得不健康,会对年轻女孩的审美产生误导。
29. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的the model’s body “appeared to be out of proportion with her head and lower body”可知,模特的头和身材比例不协调。
30. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的but the company did remove the image from its campaign可知,这个广告还是被撤了。
31. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的being unhealthily thin isn't beautiful可知,作者认为美并不是不健康的瘦。
32. D。细节理解题。由Virtual reality部分中的It is using virtual reality to allow people to get a virtualexperience of their exact seat before buying their ticket可知,Rukkus可以让人们在购票前通过虚拟现实,感知座位的真实视角。
33. C。细节理解题。由Genetic testing部分中的Today, it costs less than $1,000 to have your DNA sequenced thanksto the fast development of this tech可知,作者提及这些费用是想说明基因测试技术的飞速发展。
34. D。推理判断题。根据Genetic testing部分中的This gives you the ability to fight off any issues before they everhappen. Also, it tells you if you are a carrier of any diseases that you couldpass on to your children可推知,这项技术对我们的健康而言很重要。
35. B。细节理解题。由末段中的Big organizations like Amazon are planning to use drones forshipping purposes可知,无人机将来可能会普遍用于运送货物。
36. C。由第一段中的Several keywords以及后面的“bird seagull” and not just “seagull”可知,C项中的Use morethan one keyword与之相呼应。
37. E。由第二段提到的搜索方法可知,对于搜索something you've already seen but lost行之有效。
38. B。由第五段的主题句Check your spelling可知,B项中的typingmistakes与段内的mistypedwords相呼应。
39. F。由倒数第二段中的Some search engines和using a search engine可知,F项中的differentsearch engines与之相呼应。
40. D。由末段中的Some websites are unreliable and some information is false可知,D项中的Check your information ... before accepting it是解决办法。
41. C。穆迪断定他对建筑(building)有热情。首段中的a passion for architecture有提示。
42. D。穆迪喜欢建筑,因此在建设行业他可以有机会(opportunity)运用他的建筑学知识。
43. B。44. B。然而(However),他找到梦想的工作并迁居亚特兰大仅几周的时间,那家雇佣(employed)他的公司就破产了。
45. A。如今,穆迪认为自己最糟糕的日子成了他事业成功最好的(best)契机。与worst构成对比。
46. D。穆迪孤注一掷,开创(started)了自己的事业。
47. C。48. D。如今他的事业发展(grown)成为建筑公司,承包像特纳球场这样的大型建筑项目(projects)。
49. C。当问及他是否是百万富翁时,穆迪不太喜欢(prefers)关注财富数字。
50. C。51. D。穆迪关注的问题是:“如果我们明天一无所有(nothing),人们还会不会因为(because of)我们是谁或我们有什么而呆在我们身边?”
52. B。对穆迪来说,那才是他们怎样看待(look at)成功的。
53. D。人们呆在他们身边感到更好还是更坏(worse)?与better构成对比。
54. C。穆迪和他的妻子(wife)在1989年成立了奖学基金会。文章首句his wife有提示。
55. B。基金会已经给大学捐助(donated)了大量资金。
56. D。穆迪谈到了自己所遇到的种种困难以及如何(how)克服这些困难的。
57. B。有人能改变一个人的一生(life),并向他逐步灌输希望。
58. C。59. B。一旦你碰到(touch)希望并抓住了它,那么你就是个了不起的人,你就能做出令人惊异的(amazing)事情。
60. C。对于穆迪来说,美国梦就是下一代人(generations)有成功的渴望和机会,而他通过建设尽力给他们灌输希望。后面的future generations有提示。
61. the。考查冠词。设空处特指第一段中提到的亚历克斯工作的餐馆,故用定冠词the。
62. it。考查代词。设空处指代前面提到的food。
63. walking。考查非谓语动词。设空处作介词短语instead of的宾语,故用动词-ing形式。
64. obviously。考查词性转换。设空处修饰谓语动词needed,故用obvious的副词形式。
65. eating。考查固定结构。have difficulty doing (sth) 意为“做(某事)有困难”。
66. rolling。考查固定结构。spend time doing sth意为“花费时间做某事”。rolling与forking,talking是并列成分。
67. photos。考查词形转换。由前面的all可知用photo的复数形式。
68. what。考查宾语从句引导词。设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语,结合句意“他只是做了他认为正确的事情”,故填what。
69. helpful。考查词性转换。设空处作表语,故用help的形容词形式。
70. are needed。考查时态和语态。you是need这个动作的承受者,且when引导的从句是对一般情况的客观陈述,故用一般现在时的被动语态。